Ian Eisenman

Ian Eisenman

University of California, San Diego

H-index: 29

North America-United States

About Ian Eisenman

Ian Eisenman, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of California, San Diego, specializes in the field of climate dynamics, sea ice, physical oceanography, atmospheric science, paleoclimate.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fast and slow responses of the tropical pacific to radiative forcing in northern high latitudes

Asymmetry in the Seasonal Cycle of Zonal‐Mean Surface Air Temperature

Heat transport across the Antarctic Slope Front controlled by cross-slope salinity gradients

A possible hysteresis in the Arctic Ocean due to release of subsurface heat during sea ice retreat

A pathway for northern hemisphere extratropical cooling to elicit a tropical response

Spurious climate impacts in coupled sea ice loss simulations

Buoyancy forcing dominates the cross-equatorial ocean heat transport response to Northern Hemisphere extratropical cooling

Coupled ocean–sea ice dynamics of the Antarctic Slope Current driven by topographic eddy suppression and sea ice momentum redistribution

Ian Eisenman Information



Associate Professor Scripps Institution of Oceanograpy



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ian Eisenman Skills & Research Interests

climate dynamics

sea ice

physical oceanography

atmospheric science


Top articles of Ian Eisenman

Fast and slow responses of the tropical pacific to radiative forcing in northern high latitudes

Journal of Climate


Asymmetry in the Seasonal Cycle of Zonal‐Mean Surface Air Temperature

Geophysical Research Letters


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Aaron Donohoe
Aaron Donohoe

H-Index: 17

Heat transport across the Antarctic Slope Front controlled by cross-slope salinity gradients

Science advances


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

A possible hysteresis in the Arctic Ocean due to release of subsurface heat during sea ice retreat

Journal of Physical Oceanography


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

A pathway for northern hemisphere extratropical cooling to elicit a tropical response

Geophysical Research Letters


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Spurious climate impacts in coupled sea ice loss simulations

Journal of Climate


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Buoyancy forcing dominates the cross-equatorial ocean heat transport response to Northern Hemisphere extratropical cooling

Journal of Climate


Shang-Ping Xie
Shang-Ping Xie

H-Index: 75

Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Coupled ocean–sea ice dynamics of the Antarctic Slope Current driven by topographic eddy suppression and sea ice momentum redistribution

Journal of Physical Oceanography


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Revisiting the role of the water vapor and lapse rate feedbacks in the Arctic amplification of climate change

Journal of Climate


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

How winds and ocean currents influence the drift of floating objects

Journal of Physical Oceanography


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Asymmetry in the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice driven by insolation

Nature Geoscience


Seasonality in Arctic warming driven by sea ice effective heat capacity

Journal of Climate


David S Battisti
David S Battisti

H-Index: 46

Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Seasonal cycle of idealized polar clouds: Large eddy simulations driven by a GCM

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems


How sea ice drift influences sea ice area and volume

Geophysical Research Letters


Constraining the date of a seasonally ice‐free Arctic using a simple model

Geophysical Research Letters


Tapio Schneider
Tapio Schneider

H-Index: 44

Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

The recent emergence of Arctic amplification

Geophysical Research Letters


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

A mechanism for regional variations in snowpack melt under rising temperature

Nature Climate Change


Amato Evan
Amato Evan

H-Index: 23

Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Observed Antarctic sea ice expansion reproduced in a climate model after correcting biases in sea ice drift velocity

Nature communications


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

Modeling the breakup of tabular icebergs

Science advances


Ian Eisenman
Ian Eisenman

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Ian Eisenman University(University of California, San Diego)