I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

About I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 3 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, specializes in the field of Urban Studies, Housing, Indonesia.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Perubahan Perilaku Wisatawan dan Aktivitas Wisata Pasca Terjadinya Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Yogyakarta

Pengembangan Sistem E-Lapor untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengelolaan Data Perumahan, Prasarana, Sarana dan Utilitas (PSU) di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Gender mainstreaming efforts in disaster management plans: Case study West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia

The Role of the Church Institution in Responding the COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study: Jemaat Rehoboth, GPM)

Assessment of liveability on settlements developed by informal land subdividers in Gunung Anyar and Rungkut Districts, Surabaya

Selecting The Best Route for Aerial Ladder Truck to Speed Up Response Time in High-Rise Buildings Located in Unprotected and High Fire Risk Areas

Vulnerability assessment of public rental housing (Rusunawa) residents in facing the risk of COVID-19 transmission (Case study of Surabaya)

Tipologi Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa) di Kota Surabaya

I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya Information



Department of Urban and Regional Planning



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya Skills & Research Interests

Urban Studies



Top articles of I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

Perubahan Perilaku Wisatawan dan Aktivitas Wisata Pasca Terjadinya Pandemi COVID-19 di Kota Yogyakarta

Jurnal Penataan Ruang


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

Prananda Navitas
Prananda Navitas

H-Index: 3

Pengembangan Sistem E-Lapor untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pengelolaan Data Perumahan, Prasarana, Sarana dan Utilitas (PSU) di Kabupaten Sidoarjo



I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

Arwi Yudhi Koswara
Arwi Yudhi Koswara

H-Index: 2

Agus Budi Raharjo
Agus Budi Raharjo

H-Index: 1

Gender mainstreaming efforts in disaster management plans: Case study West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

The Role of the Church Institution in Responding the COVID-19 Pandemic (Case Study: Jemaat Rehoboth, GPM)

Jurnal Penataan Ruang


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

Assessment of liveability on settlements developed by informal land subdividers in Gunung Anyar and Rungkut Districts, Surabaya

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

Selecting The Best Route for Aerial Ladder Truck to Speed Up Response Time in High-Rise Buildings Located in Unprotected and High Fire Risk Areas

Jurnal Penataan Ruang


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

Fendy Firmansyah
Fendy Firmansyah

H-Index: 2

Vulnerability assessment of public rental housing (Rusunawa) residents in facing the risk of COVID-19 transmission (Case study of Surabaya)

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Tipologi Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (Rusunawa) di Kota Surabaya

Jurnal Teknik ITS


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

What sets it apart from the rest? Investigating the national slum upgrading program, KOTAKU, in Surabaya

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya

H-Index: 2

Prananda Navitas
Prananda Navitas

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya University(Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember)