Hussain Alawadhi

Hussain Alawadhi

University of Sharjah

H-index: 31

Asia-United Arab Emirates

About Hussain Alawadhi

Hussain Alawadhi, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Sharjah, specializes in the field of Modulation Spectroscopy, Material Science, Atmospheric Aerosols.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An assessment of microstructure, dentinal tubule occlusion and X-ray attenuation properties of Nd: YAG laser-enhanced titanium-doped phosphate glass and nano-hydroxyapatite pastes

Flexible Copper Films Modification via Spontaneous Reduction of Aryldiazonium Gold Salts: Unraveling Surface Properties and Energy Profile

Highly flexible copper tape decorated with Ag nanoarrays as ultrasensitive SERS platforms for multi-hazardous pollutant sensing

Impact of femtosecond laser surface structuring on NiCoCr and NiCoV medium entropy alloy systems for an overall electrochemical water splitting

Ni-based metal organic frameworks doped with reduced graphene oxide as an effective anode catalyst in direct ethanol fuel cell

Preparation and characterization of clay based ceramic porous membranes and their use for the removal of lead ions from synthetic wastewater with an insight into the removal …

Smart optical sensing of multiple antibiotic residues from wastewater effluents with ensured specificity using SERS assisted with multivariate analysis

Zinc-based metal organic framework on carbon fiber brush as a novel anode of yeast-based microbial fuel cell

Hussain Alawadhi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Hussain Alawadhi Skills & Research Interests

Modulation Spectroscopy

Material Science

Atmospheric Aerosols

Top articles of Hussain Alawadhi

An assessment of microstructure, dentinal tubule occlusion and X-ray attenuation properties of Nd: YAG laser-enhanced titanium-doped phosphate glass and nano-hydroxyapatite pastes

Applied Physics A


Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Flexible Copper Films Modification via Spontaneous Reduction of Aryldiazonium Gold Salts: Unraveling Surface Properties and Energy Profile



Highly flexible copper tape decorated with Ag nanoarrays as ultrasensitive SERS platforms for multi-hazardous pollutant sensing

Microchimica Acta


Impact of femtosecond laser surface structuring on NiCoCr and NiCoV medium entropy alloy systems for an overall electrochemical water splitting

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Shahbaz Ahmad
Shahbaz Ahmad

H-Index: 4

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Ni-based metal organic frameworks doped with reduced graphene oxide as an effective anode catalyst in direct ethanol fuel cell

Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem

H-Index: 31

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Preparation and characterization of clay based ceramic porous membranes and their use for the removal of lead ions from synthetic wastewater with an insight into the removal …



Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Tahar Laoui
Tahar Laoui

H-Index: 32

Smart optical sensing of multiple antibiotic residues from wastewater effluents with ensured specificity using SERS assisted with multivariate analysis

Environmental Pollution


Zinc-based metal organic framework on carbon fiber brush as a novel anode of yeast-based microbial fuel cell

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy


Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem

H-Index: 31

Current progression in graphene-based membranes for low temperature fuel cells


Confined assembly of size-tunable silver nanoprisms on flexible Teflon tapes as highly active SERS hotspots for ultralow-level sensing of DNA and glucose

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical


Highly efficient, multiplexed SERS sensing of para-aminobenzoic acid using reusable silver nanoarrays for environmental monitoring

Materials Science and Engineering: B


Construction of Cu2O-g-C3N4/MoS2 composite material through the decoration of Cu2O nanoparticles onto the surface of two-dimensional g-C3N4/MoS2 heterostructure for their …



Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem

H-Index: 31

Trace-level sensing of food toxins by flexible and cost-effective SERS sensors fabricated by pulsed-laser-deposition of gold nanoparticles on polycarbonate matrix

Surfaces and Interfaces


Compact TiO2 layer by UV-assisted TiBr4 chemical bath deposition for perovskite solar cells

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Di Zhang
Di Zhang

H-Index: 9

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Nouar Tabet
Nouar Tabet

H-Index: 23

Sulphate removal from aqueous solutions: State-of-the-art technologies and future research trends


Tahar Laoui
Tahar Laoui

H-Index: 32

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

In-situ grown metal-organic framework derived CoS-MXene pseudocapacitive asymmetric supercapacitors

Journal of Energy Storage


Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem

H-Index: 31

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Simultaneous Carburization, Oxidation, and Nitridation of Titanium Surface Using Ablation by Femtosecond Laser in n‐Heptane

Advanced Engineering Materials


Asghar Ali
Asghar Ali

H-Index: 4

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Evaluation of CoNi (Cr/V) Medium-Entropy Alloys in an Acidic Environment

ACS Applied Energy Materials


In-situ grown bimetallic FeCu MOF-MXene composite for solid-state asymmetric supercapacitors

Journal of Energy Storage


Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem
Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem

H-Index: 31

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

Reducing the cut-in voltage of a silicon carbide/p-silicon heterojunction diode using femtosecond laser ablation

ACS Applied Electronic Materials


Asghar Ali
Asghar Ali

H-Index: 4

Hussain Alawadhi
Hussain Alawadhi

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Hussain Alawadhi University(University of Sharjah)

