Hossein Ghadiri

About Hossein Ghadiri

Hossein Ghadiri, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Medical Physics, Medical Imaging, CT Micro-CT, Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Ultrasound.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A fully automated pipeline of cam-type FAI parameters measurement from clinical computed tomography (CT) images in asymptomatic patients

Impact of uterine deformation induced by applicator on brachytherapy dosimetric value: an uterine-mimicking-phantom study

Evaluation of Contrast to Noise Ratio of Targeted and Non-Targeted Gold nanoparticles in nasopharyngeal cancer cells in CT images.

Design and Construction of an Anthropomorphic phantom with movable uterus for CT and US images registration in simulation of intracavity brachytherapy

Effects of Beamforming Techniques on Quality of Ultrasound Computed Tomography Images

Recent trends of contrast agents in ultrasound imaging: a review of the classifications and applications

The Evaluation of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio in CT Images Using Different Parameters of Gold Nanoparticles versus Omnipaque

Material classification based on Dual-Energy Micro-CT images by the Gaussian mixture model.

Hossein Ghadiri Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Hossein Ghadiri Skills & Research Interests

Medical Physics

Medical Imaging

CT Micro-CT

Computer-Aided Diagnosis


Top articles of Hossein Ghadiri

A fully automated pipeline of cam-type FAI parameters measurement from clinical computed tomography (CT) images in asymptomatic patients


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Impact of uterine deformation induced by applicator on brachytherapy dosimetric value: an uterine-mimicking-phantom study

Journal of Instrumentation


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Evaluation of Contrast to Noise Ratio of Targeted and Non-Targeted Gold nanoparticles in nasopharyngeal cancer cells in CT images.

Iranian Journal of Medical Physics/Majallah-I Fīzīk-I Pizishkī-i Īrān


Design and Construction of an Anthropomorphic phantom with movable uterus for CT and US images registration in simulation of intracavity brachytherapy


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Effects of Beamforming Techniques on Quality of Ultrasound Computed Tomography Images

Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Recent trends of contrast agents in ultrasound imaging: a review of the classifications and applications


The Evaluation of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio in CT Images Using Different Parameters of Gold Nanoparticles versus Omnipaque

Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies


Material classification based on Dual-Energy Micro-CT images by the Gaussian mixture model.

Journal of Instrumentation


Leveraging deep neural networks to improve numerical and perceptual image quality in low-dose preclinical PET imaging

Computerized medical imaging and graphics


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Pardis Ghafarian
Pardis Ghafarian

H-Index: 11

Engineering and quantification of bismuth nanoparticles as targeted contrast agent for computed tomography imaging in cellular and animal models

Journal of drug delivery science and technology


Comparison of the X-ray tube spectrum measurement using BGO, NaI, LYSO, and HPGe detectors in a preclinical mini-CT scanner: Monte Carlo simulation and practical experiment

Radiation Physics and Chemistry


Advanced Noise-Optimized Dual-Energy Virtual Monochromatic Imaging vs. Conventional 120-kVp CT Imaging: Image Quality Assessment

Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Gold nanoparticle parameters play an essential role as CT imaging contrast agents

Journal of Nanostructures


Pulsating microbubble in a micro-vessel and mechanical effect on vessel wall: a simulation study

Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering


Nazanin Hosseinkhah
Nazanin Hosseinkhah

H-Index: 3

Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Tips and tricks in molecular imaging: a practical approach

Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies


Observation of targeted gold nanoparticles in nasopharyngeal tumour nude mice model through dual‐energy computed tomography

IET nanobiotechnology


A deep neural network to recover missing data in small animal pet imaging: comparison between sinogram-and image-domain implementations


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Pardis Ghafarian
Pardis Ghafarian

H-Index: 11

Standard-dose PET reconstruction from low-dose preclinical images using an adopted all convolutional U-Net


Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

Pardis Ghafarian
Pardis Ghafarian

H-Index: 11

Mucin-16 targeted mesoporous nano-system for evaluation of cervical cancer via dual-modal computed tomography and ultrasonography

New journal of chemistry


Computationally efficient system matrix calculation techniques in computed tomography iterative reconstruction

Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors


Golshan Mahmoudi
Golshan Mahmoudi

H-Index: 4

Hossein Ghadiri
Hossein Ghadiri

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Hossein Ghadiri University(Tehran University of Medical Sciences)

