Hongliang Qian

About Hongliang Qian

Hongliang Qian, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specializes in the field of Thermal engineering, Two-phase flow, HVAC system.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Void fraction in vertical intermediate and inlet headers of microchannel heat exchangers: Experiments and models

Conception et étalonnage de capteurs capacitifs pour mesurer la fraction de vide dans les collecteurs verticaux des échangeurs de chaleur à microcanaux

Design and calibration of capacitive sensors for measuring void fraction in vertical headers of microchannel heat exchangers

Caractérisation des régimes d’écoulement diphasique du R134a dans des tubes lisses horizontaux et verticaux à l'aide de capteurs capacitifs

Characterization of R134a two-phase flow regimes in horizontal and vertical smooth tubes with capacitive sensors

The void fraction in headers of microchannel heat exchangers

Design of Capacitive Sensors for Measuring Void Fraction in Headers of Microchannel Heat Exchangers

Mass Measurement, Visualization and Signal Pattern Based Calibration of Capacitive Sensors for Measuring Void Fraction in Headers

Hongliang Qian Information



at Urbana and Champaign



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Hongliang Qian Skills & Research Interests

Thermal engineering

Two-phase flow

HVAC system

Top articles of Hongliang Qian

Void fraction in vertical intermediate and inlet headers of microchannel heat exchangers: Experiments and models

Applied Thermal Engineering


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Conception et étalonnage de capteurs capacitifs pour mesurer la fraction de vide dans les collecteurs verticaux des échangeurs de chaleur à microcanaux

International Journal of Refrigeration


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Design and calibration of capacitive sensors for measuring void fraction in vertical headers of microchannel heat exchangers

International Journal of Refrigeration


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Caractérisation des régimes d’écoulement diphasique du R134a dans des tubes lisses horizontaux et verticaux à l'aide de capteurs capacitifs

International Journal of Refrigeration


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Characterization of R134a two-phase flow regimes in horizontal and vertical smooth tubes with capacitive sensors

International journal of refrigeration


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

The void fraction in headers of microchannel heat exchangers


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Design of Capacitive Sensors for Measuring Void Fraction in Headers of Microchannel Heat Exchangers


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Mass Measurement, Visualization and Signal Pattern Based Calibration of Capacitive Sensors for Measuring Void Fraction in Headers


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Étalonnage basé sur la mesure de masse d'un capteur capacitif pour mesurer la fraction de vide pour le R134a dans des tubes lisses

International Journal of Refrigeration


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

Mass measurement based calibration of a capacitive sensor to measure void fraction for R134a in smooth tubes

International journal of refrigeration


Hongliang Qian
Hongliang Qian

H-Index: 4

Pega Hrnjak
Pega Hrnjak

H-Index: 29

See List of Professors in Hongliang Qian University(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

