Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva

About Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva

Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual Paulista, specializes in the field of Marketing, Comportamento do Consumidor, Consumo Sustentável, Economia Circular, Orçamento Familiar.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Analysis of consumers purchase intention in commerce and services in the neighborhood and the Impact of Covid-19

Açúcar orgânico: fatores que influenciam a atitude e intenção de compra

Boletins MarkEsalq 2021-2023

Best Environmental Practices in the Leather Sector: a framework for circular economy initiatives based on the views of specialists and researchers

The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Learning on the Performance of Junior Enterprises

Modeling quality, satisfaction and perceived crowding in public healthcare: a study with low-income Brazilian patients

From green advertising to sustainable behavior: a systematic literature review through the lens of value-belief-norm framework

Corporate entrepreneurship at the university: the influence of managerial support, autonomy and reward on the innovative behavior of university professors

Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva Information



- FEB/Bauru - Departamento de Engenharia de Produção



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva Skills & Research Interests


Comportamento do Consumidor

Consumo Sustentável

Economia Circular

Orçamento Familiar

Top articles of Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva

Analysis of consumers purchase intention in commerce and services in the neighborhood and the Impact of Covid-19



Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Açúcar orgânico: fatores que influenciam a atitude e intenção de compra


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Eduardo Eugênio Spers

H-Index: 11

Boletins MarkEsalq 2021-2023


Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Eduardo Eugênio Spers

H-Index: 11

Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Best Environmental Practices in the Leather Sector: a framework for circular economy initiatives based on the views of specialists and researchers


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Daniel Jugend
Daniel Jugend

H-Index: 17

Marco Pinheiro
Marco Pinheiro

H-Index: 6

The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Learning on the Performance of Junior Enterprises

Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes De Moraes
Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes De Moraes

H-Index: 9

Modeling quality, satisfaction and perceived crowding in public healthcare: a study with low-income Brazilian patients

Gestão & Produção


From green advertising to sustainable behavior: a systematic literature review through the lens of value-belief-norm framework


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Suely Maciel
Suely Maciel

H-Index: 2

Enzo Barberio Mariano
Enzo Barberio Mariano

H-Index: 14

Corporate entrepreneurship at the university: the influence of managerial support, autonomy and reward on the innovative behavior of university professors

Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies


Southeast Brazilian Consumers’ Involvement and Willingness to Pay for Quality Cues in Fresh and Cooked Beef


Factors influencing the intention to use electric cars in Brazil

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Daniel Jugend
Daniel Jugend

H-Index: 17

Paula De Camargo Fiorini
Paula De Camargo Fiorini

H-Index: 11

Pro-poor innovations to promote instrumental freedoms: A systematic literature review


Fatores que influenciam a Atitude e a Intenção de Compra de Açúcar Orgânico


Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Eduardo Eugênio Spers

H-Index: 11

Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

The technology effect, green consumption and age in propensity to collaborative consumption

Cleaner and Responsible Consumption


Relational attractiveness between supplier-customer in a supply chain

RAUSP Management Journal


Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes De Moraes
Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes De Moraes

H-Index: 9

Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

The influence of signal attributes on the willingness to pay for pasture-raised beef

RAUSP Management Journal


Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Eduardo Eugênio Spers

H-Index: 11

Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Proposta de modelo de mensuração da adoção de serviços de Fintechs

Revista Administração em Diálogo-RAD


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Eduardo Eugênio Spers

H-Index: 11

Consumer preferences for potato cultivars with different culinary aptitudes: A case study from São Paulo

American Journal of Potato Research


First-mover firms in the transition towards the sharing economy in metallic natural resource-intensive industries: Implications for the circular economy and emerging industry 4 …

Resources policy


Perfis de padrões de consumo por região no Brasil


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Corredores comerciais em municípios de médio porte: o caso de Piracicaba/SP

Varejo em polos de rua: dinamizando o comércio e revitalizando as cidades


Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva
Hermes Moretti Ribeiro Da Silva

H-Index: 5

Eduardo Eugênio Spers
Eduardo Eugênio Spers

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Hermes Moretti Ribeiro da Silva University(Universidade Estadual Paulista)

