Heresh Seyedi

About Heresh Seyedi

Heresh Seyedi, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Tabriz, specializes in the field of Microgrid protection, Transmission system protection, System protection schemes.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Optimal overcurrent relay coordination: Balancing costs, time performance and generator placement in fault current limiter optimization

Decentralized risk‐based security‐constrained optimal power flow in interconnected multi‐carrier microgrids

Risk-embedded scheduling of a CCHP integrated with electric vehicle parking lot in a residential energy hub considering flexible thermal and electrical loads

Improving power swing detection in the presence of doubly-fed induction generator wind farms based on setting adaptation

Transmission line protection using local information in the presence of inverter‐interfaced renewable energy sources

Impedance Differential Protection for Double Circuit transmission Lines Based on Distributed Parameters

Sustainable energy supply of electric vehicle charging parks and hydrogen refueling stations integrated in local energy systems under a risk-averse optimization strategy

A new method for loss of excitation protection of synchronous generators in the presence of static synchronous compensator based on the discrete wavelet transform

Heresh Seyedi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Heresh Seyedi Skills & Research Interests

Microgrid protection

Transmission system protection

System protection schemes

Top articles of Heresh Seyedi

Optimal overcurrent relay coordination: Balancing costs, time performance and generator placement in fault current limiter optimization

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution


Decentralized risk‐based security‐constrained optimal power flow in interconnected multi‐carrier microgrids

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution


Risk-embedded scheduling of a CCHP integrated with electric vehicle parking lot in a residential energy hub considering flexible thermal and electrical loads

Applied Energy


Improving power swing detection in the presence of doubly-fed induction generator wind farms based on setting adaptation

Electric Power Systems Research


Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Kazem Zare
Kazem Zare

H-Index: 41

Transmission line protection using local information in the presence of inverter‐interfaced renewable energy sources

IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution


Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Mehdi Abapour
Mehdi Abapour

H-Index: 24

Impedance Differential Protection for Double Circuit transmission Lines Based on Distributed Parameters

Authorea Preprints


Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Naghi Rostami
Naghi Rostami

H-Index: 8

Sustainable energy supply of electric vehicle charging parks and hydrogen refueling stations integrated in local energy systems under a risk-averse optimization strategy

Journal of Energy Storage


A new method for loss of excitation protection of synchronous generators in the presence of static synchronous compensator based on the discrete wavelet transform

Electric Power Systems Research


Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Sajjad Tohidi
Sajjad Tohidi

H-Index: 13

Reactive Power Coordination Between Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Battery for Microgrid Frequency Control

Journal of Applied Research in Electrical Engineering


Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh
Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh

H-Index: 32

Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Probabilistic Load Shedding Scheme for Power System Voltage Stability Enhancement Using Discrete Group Search Optimization Algorithm

Electric Power Components and Systems


Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Coordination of wind power producers with an energy storage system for the optimal participation in wholesale electricity markets

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems


A new optimal under-voltage load shedding scheme for voltage collapse prevention in a multi-microgrid system

Electric Power Systems Research


Journal of Applied Research in Electrical Engineering

J. Appl. Res. Electr. Eng


Under-frequency load shedding in isolated multi-microgrids

Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks


Performance evaluation of HHT and WT for detection of HIF and CT saturationin smart grids

Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


A new approach to transmission line pilot protection in the presence of inverter-interfaced distributed generators

IEEE Systems Journal


Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh
Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh

H-Index: 32

A hybrid genetic particle swarm optimization for distributed generation allocation in power distribution networks



Reactive power management for microgrid frequency control

International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems


Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh
Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh

H-Index: 32

Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Reconfiguration of distribution systems in the presence of distributed generation considering protective constraints and uncertainties

International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems


Vahid Fathi
Vahid Fathi

H-Index: 2

Heresh Seyedi
Heresh Seyedi

H-Index: 20

Optimal operation of smart distribution networks in the presence of demand response aggregators and microgrid owners: A multi follower Bi-Level approach

Sustainable cities and society


See List of Professors in Heresh Seyedi University(University of Tabriz)

