Henrique Nunes de Oliveira

About Henrique Nunes de Oliveira

Henrique Nunes de Oliveira, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual Paulista, specializes in the field of Genética e Melhoramento Animal.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A small proportion of Zebu genetic background in crossbred calves may not be enough to improve resistance against natural bovine Babesia spp. infections

Genomic inbreeding estimation, runs of homozygosity, and heterozygosity‐enriched regions uncover signals of selection in the Quarter Horse racing line

Estimation of genetic parameters for the tick and hemoparasite burden in Angus cattle

Genetic parameters and multi-trait genomic prediction for hemoparasites infection levels in cattle

Identification of candidate lethal haplotypes and genomic association with post-natal mortality and reproductive traits in Nellore cattle

Comparative morphology of the third pair of legs in drones and workers of Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Genotype–environment interaction and sexual dimorphism in the genetic evaluation of yearling weight in Simmental cattle raised in Brazil

Natural levels of Rhipicephalus microplus infestation and Anaplasma marginale infection in Angus and Ultrablack calves

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Henrique Nunes de Oliveira Skills & Research Interests

Genética e Melhoramento Animal

Top articles of Henrique Nunes de Oliveira

A small proportion of Zebu genetic background in crossbred calves may not be enough to improve resistance against natural bovine Babesia spp. infections

Veterinary Parasitology


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Genomic inbreeding estimation, runs of homozygosity, and heterozygosity‐enriched regions uncover signals of selection in the Quarter Horse racing line

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics


Estimation of genetic parameters for the tick and hemoparasite burden in Angus cattle

Tropical Animal Health and Production


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Genetic parameters and multi-trait genomic prediction for hemoparasites infection levels in cattle

Livestock Science


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Identification of candidate lethal haplotypes and genomic association with post-natal mortality and reproductive traits in Nellore cattle

Scientific Reports


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Li Ma
Li Ma

H-Index: 7

Lucia Galvão De Albuquerque
Lucia Galvão De Albuquerque

H-Index: 30

Comparative morphology of the third pair of legs in drones and workers of Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Journal of Apicultural Research


Genotype–environment interaction and sexual dimorphism in the genetic evaluation of yearling weight in Simmental cattle raised in Brazil

The Journal of Agricultural Science


Natural levels of Rhipicephalus microplus infestation and Anaplasma marginale infection in Angus and Ultrablack calves

Experimental and Applied Acarology


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Percepção das metodologias utilizadas no ensino de ciências em duas escolas do município de Boa Hora, Piauí, Brasil

Instrumento: Revista de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação


CD4 bovine gene: Differential polymorphisms among cattle breeds and a new tool for rapid identification

Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology


Hélio José Montassier
Hélio José Montassier

H-Index: 12

Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Selection effect for growth traits on energy requirements in beef Nelore steers

Tropical Animal Health and Production


Iara Del Pilar Solar Diaz
Iara Del Pilar Solar Diaz

H-Index: 5

Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Unraveling genetic parameters for the corbicular area of Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

Journal of Apicultural Research


Genomic study of the resilience of buffalo cows to a negative energy balance

Journal of Applied Genetics


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Signatures of selection in Nelore cattle revealed by whole-genome sequencing data



Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Development of genomic predictions for Angus cattle in Brazil incorporating genotypes from related American sires

Journal of animal science


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

Stephen Miller
Stephen Miller

H-Index: 16

Ignacy Misztal
Ignacy Misztal

H-Index: 43

Conhecendo as dificuldades dos pacientes com Doença Intersticial no Brasil



Genome-wide scans for signatures of selection in Mangalarga Marchador horses using high-throughput SNP genotyping

BMC genomics


Application of proteomic to investigate the different degrees of meat tenderness in Nellore breed

Journal of Proteomics


Semi-quantitative evaluation of Babesia bovis and B. bigemina infection levels estimated by HRM analysis

Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

How long does the mRNA remains stable in untreated whole bovine blood?

Molecular Biology Reports


Henrique Nunes De Oliveira
Henrique Nunes De Oliveira

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Henrique Nunes de Oliveira University(Universidade Estadual Paulista)