Heni Puspitasari

About Heni Puspitasari

Heni Puspitasari, With an exceptional h-index of 3 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Airlangga, specializes in the field of Toxomology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Comparison of Antioxidant effects of Polysaccharides of Mixed Microalgae Isolates Glagah Beach Yogyakarta and East Java, Indonesia

Tissue cysts and serological detection toxoplasmosis among wild rats from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Designing one-step reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification for serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus detection during the 2022 outbreak in East Java …

Seroprevalensi Kasus Toxoplasmosis sebagai Infeksi Oportunistik pada Penderita HIV/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Profil Strongylids pada Kuda di Jawa Timur

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) as the Main Causative Death in Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) Patients.

Analysis of IFN-γ and CD4+ responses in comorbid and adult immunized cynomolgus monkey with inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate

The response of CD59 NK cell and IL-6 level in Cynomolgus macaque immunized with inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate

Heni Puspitasari Information



Lembaga Penyakit Tropis



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Heni Puspitasari Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Heni Puspitasari

Comparison of Antioxidant effects of Polysaccharides of Mixed Microalgae Isolates Glagah Beach Yogyakarta and East Java, Indonesia

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology


Tissue cysts and serological detection toxoplasmosis among wild rats from Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Open Veterinary Journal


Designing one-step reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification for serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus detection during the 2022 outbreak in East Java …

Veterinary world


Seroprevalensi Kasus Toxoplasmosis sebagai Infeksi Oportunistik pada Penderita HIV/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

NERSMID: Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kebidanan


Heni Puspitasari
Heni Puspitasari

H-Index: 1

Lucia Tri Suwanti
Lucia Tri Suwanti

H-Index: 5

Profil Strongylids pada Kuda di Jawa Timur

Jurnal Medik Veteriner


Endang Suprihati
Endang Suprihati

H-Index: 5

Heni Puspitasari
Heni Puspitasari

H-Index: 1

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) as the Main Causative Death in Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) Patients.

Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences


Retno Pudji Rahayu
Retno Pudji Rahayu

H-Index: 8

Heni Puspitasari
Heni Puspitasari

H-Index: 1

Analysis of IFN-γ and CD4+ responses in comorbid and adult immunized cynomolgus monkey with inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology


The response of CD59 NK cell and IL-6 level in Cynomolgus macaque immunized with inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology


Moringa oleifera Leaf Ethanol Extract Inhibits Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoites Replication

Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease


Heni Puspitasari
Heni Puspitasari

H-Index: 1

The use of artificial intelligence in new normal era against pandemic COVID-19 in the field of health services


An analysis of genetic risk factors (chromosomes 3 and 9) and mutation of spike covid-19 in the severity and transmission factor

Journal of International Dental and Medical Research


Efektifitas Asam Folat Dalam Mengurangi Efek Samping Terapi Kasus Toxoplasmosis Dilihat Dari Gambaran Histopatologi Sel Otak Fetus Mencit (Mus Musculus) Yang Diinfeksi …

NERSMID: Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kebidanan


Heni Puspitasari
Heni Puspitasari

H-Index: 1

Lucia Tri Suwanti
Lucia Tri Suwanti

H-Index: 5

Moleculer Detection of Entamoeba spp in Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) at Baluran National Park, Indonesia

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Helath Sciences


Surface ultrastructure of Blastocystis sp. isolated from cattle



Inability of polysaccharides of Spirulina platensis to protect hepatocyte cells line on Toxoplasma gondii infection in vitro

Journal of Global Pharma Technology


Molecular Review Covid 19 From The Pathogenesis And Transmission Aspect

Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan


Heni Puspitasari
Heni Puspitasari

H-Index: 1

Jenny Sunariani
Jenny Sunariani

H-Index: 4

Blastocystis sp.: Evaluation of polyclonal antibody prepared from crude protein for serological diagnosis using Rabbit serum

Aceh Journal of Animal Science


See List of Professors in Heni Puspitasari University(Universitas Airlangga)