Harald Paganetti

Harald Paganetti

Harvard University

H-index: 84

North America-United States

About Harald Paganetti

Harald Paganetti, With an exceptional h-index of 84 and a recent h-index of 56 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harvard University, specializes in the field of Medical Physics in Radiation Therapy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

TOPAS simulation of photoneutrons in radiotherapy: accuracy and speed with variance reduction

Radiation Therapy for Stage IIA/B Seminoma: Modeling Secondary Cancer Risk for Protons and VMAT versus 3D Photons

The Role of Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer in the Setting of Hip Prosthesis

Optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters for simultaneous measurement of point dose and dose-weighted LET in an adaptive proton therapy workflow

Evaluating the effect of setup uncertainty reduction and adaptation to geometric changes on normal tissue complication probability using online adaptive head and neck intensity …

Intra-brain vascular models within the ICRP mesh-type adult reference phantoms for applications to internal dosimetry

MO-0877 Evaluating biologically effective dose in daily adaptive proton therapy for head-and-neck cancers

Large anatomical changes in head-and-neck cancers–A dosimetric comparison of online and offline adaptive proton therapy

Harald Paganetti Information



Professor of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Harald Paganetti Skills & Research Interests

Medical Physics in Radiation Therapy

Top articles of Harald Paganetti

TOPAS simulation of photoneutrons in radiotherapy: accuracy and speed with variance reduction

Physics in Medicine and Biology


Jan Schuemann
Jan Schuemann

H-Index: 43

Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

Radiation Therapy for Stage IIA/B Seminoma: Modeling Secondary Cancer Risk for Protons and VMAT versus 3D Photons

International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics


The Role of Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer in the Setting of Hip Prosthesis



Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

Optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters for simultaneous measurement of point dose and dose-weighted LET in an adaptive proton therapy workflow

Frontiers in Oncology


Hoyeon Lee
Hoyeon Lee

H-Index: 4

Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

Evaluating the effect of setup uncertainty reduction and adaptation to geometric changes on normal tissue complication probability using online adaptive head and neck intensity …

Physics in Medicine & Biology


Intra-brain vascular models within the ICRP mesh-type adult reference phantoms for applications to internal dosimetry

Physics in Medicine & Biology


Clemens Grassberger
Clemens Grassberger

H-Index: 19

Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

MO-0877 Evaluating biologically effective dose in daily adaptive proton therapy for head-and-neck cancers

Radiotherapy and Oncology


Large anatomical changes in head-and-neck cancers–A dosimetric comparison of online and offline adaptive proton therapy

Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology


Neural network based ensemble model to predict radiation induced lymphopenia after concurrent chemo-radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer from two institutions



TOPAS-imaging: extensions to the TOPAS simulation toolkit for medical imaging systems

Physics in Medicine & Biology


A review on lymphocyte radiosensitivity and its impact on radiotherapy


Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

MIDOS: a novel stochastic model towards a treatment planning system for microsphere dosimetry in liver tumors

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging


Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

Alejandro Bertolet
Alejandro Bertolet

H-Index: 6

Effects of differing underlying assumptions in in silico models on predictions of DNA damage and repair

Radiation Research


Jan Schuemann
Jan Schuemann

H-Index: 43

Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

A stochastic model of blood flow to calculate blood dose during radiotherapy

Physics in Medicine & Biology


Clemens Grassberger
Clemens Grassberger

H-Index: 19

Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

The pediatric proton and photon therapy comparison cohort: study design for a multicenter retrospective cohort to investigate subsequent cancers after pediatric radiation therapy

Advances in Radiation Oncology


Comparing Predicted Toxicities between Hypofractionated Proton and Photon Radiotherapy of Liver Cancer Patients with Different Adaptive Schemes



Atchar Sudhyadhom
Atchar Sudhyadhom

H-Index: 17

Harald Paganetti
Harald Paganetti

H-Index: 52

Predictive Model of Liver Toxicity to Aid the Personalized Selection of Proton Versus Photon Therapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics


Predicting severity of radiation induced lymphopenia in individual proton therapy patients for varying dose rate and fractionation using dynamic 4-dimensional blood flow …

International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics


The complexity of DNA damage by radiation follows a Gamma distribution: insights from the Microdosimetric Gamma Model

Frontiers in Oncology


Parathyroid Hormone Reduces Persistent Proton Induced DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Osteocytes

International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics


See List of Professors in Harald Paganetti University(Harvard University)

