Harald Biester

About Harald Biester

Harald Biester, With an exceptional h-index of 50 and a recent h-index of 31 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Braunschweig, specializes in the field of Umweltgeochemie.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Organic matters, but inorganic matters too: column examination of elevated mercury sorption on low organic matter aquifer material using concentrations and stable isotope ratios

Fire, volcanism and climate change: the main factors controlling mercury (Hg) accumulation rates in Tropical Lake Lantoa, Sulawesi, Indonesia (~ 16,500–540cal yr BP)

Mercury isotope fractionation during dark abiotic reduction of Hg (II) by dissolved, surface-bound, and structural Fe (II)

Rückverfolgung von Quecksilberquellen und Umwandlungsprozessen mittels stabiler Quecksilberisotopen

Role of formation and decay of seston organic matter in the fate of methylmercury within the water column of a eutrophic lake

Experimental evidence for mass-independent fractionation of even-mass mercury isotopes related to the nuclear volume effect

Large extent of mercury stable isotope fractionation in contaminated stream sediments induced by changes of mercury binding forms

Internal tree cycling and atmospheric archiving of mercury: examination with concentration and stable isotope analyses

Harald Biester Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Harald Biester Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Harald Biester

Organic matters, but inorganic matters too: column examination of elevated mercury sorption on low organic matter aquifer material using concentrations and stable isotope ratios



Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Fire, volcanism and climate change: the main factors controlling mercury (Hg) accumulation rates in Tropical Lake Lantoa, Sulawesi, Indonesia (~ 16,500–540cal yr BP)

Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry


Mercury isotope fractionation during dark abiotic reduction of Hg (II) by dissolved, surface-bound, and structural Fe (II)

Environmental Science & Technology


Rückverfolgung von Quecksilberquellen und Umwandlungsprozessen mittels stabiler Quecksilberisotopen

Tagungsband Umwelt 2023


Stephan M Kraemer
Stephan M Kraemer

H-Index: 24

Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Role of formation and decay of seston organic matter in the fate of methylmercury within the water column of a eutrophic lake



Experimental evidence for mass-independent fractionation of even-mass mercury isotopes related to the nuclear volume effect

Goldschmidt 2023 Conference


Large extent of mercury stable isotope fractionation in contaminated stream sediments induced by changes of mercury binding forms

Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry


Stephan M Kraemer
Stephan M Kraemer

H-Index: 24

Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Internal tree cycling and atmospheric archiving of mercury: examination with concentration and stable isotope analyses



Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Stephan M Kraemer
Stephan M Kraemer

H-Index: 24

Sensitivity of river catchments to discharge-controlled dissolved carbon export: a study of eight catchments in southern Patagonia



Marta Pérez-Rodríguez
Marta Pérez-Rodríguez

H-Index: 8

Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Recent spatial and seasonal variations of mercury in suspended particulate matter of the legacy contaminated river Elbe (Germany)

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Jens Hahn
Jens Hahn

H-Index: 4

How Hg isotope source signatures can be overprinted by biogeochemical processes in the subsurface of contaminated legacy sites

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Molecular probing of DOM indicates a key role of spruce-derived Lignin in the DOM and metal cycles of a headwater catchment: can spruce forest dieback exacerbate future trends …

Environmental Science & Technology


Marta Pérez-Rodríguez
Marta Pérez-Rodríguez

H-Index: 8

Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Demystifying mercury geochemistry in contaminated soil–groundwater systems with complementary mercury stable isotope, concentration, and speciation analyses

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts


Corrigendum: Mercury Accumulation in Marine Sediments—A Comparison of an Upwelling Area and Two Large River Mouths

Frontiers in Marine Science


Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Mercury Accumulation in Marine Sediments–A Comparison of an Upwelling Area and Two Large River Mouths

Frontiers in Marine Science


Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

Experimental determination of kinetic mercury isotope fractionation during reduction of Hg (II) by dissolved Fe (II) and Fe (II)-bearing minerals

Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July


Temporal and spatial assessment of gaseous elemental mercury concentrations and emissions at contaminated sites using active and passive measurements

Environmental Research Communications


Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

End member and Bayesian mixing models consistently indicate near‐surface flowpath dominance in a pristine humid tropical rainforest

Hydrological Processes


Why productive lakes are larger mercury sedimentary sinks than oligotrophic brown water lakes

Limnology and Oceanography


Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

The Sensitivity of River Catchments to Dissolved Organic Carbon Release During Rain Events-A Study of Eight Catchments in Southern Patagonia


Marta Pérez-Rodríguez
Marta Pérez-Rodríguez

H-Index: 8

Harald Biester
Harald Biester

H-Index: 30

See List of Professors in Harald Biester University(Technische Universität Braunschweig)