Hans-Peter Schertl

About Hans-Peter Schertl

Hans-Peter Schertl, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, specializes in the field of Metamorphic petrology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy, UHP metamorphism.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Iron mobility in subduction zone fluids at forearc depths and implications for mantle redox heterogeneity

Nitrogen behavior during fluid-rock interaction in a continental subduction zone: Results from the UHP Dora-Maira Massif whiteschists and Eastern Alps leucophyllites

Geochemistry and PTt evolution of Paleoproterozoic metapelites of the Zhengjiapo BIF-type iron mine, Jiaobei terrane, North China Craton

Fluid metasomatism of subducted continental crust: Insights from Si isotope compositions of metasomatic rocks from the Western and Eastern Alps

Three-stage, 70 Myr exhumation of HP-LT rocks on Margarita, Venezuela: Caribbean intra-forearc shear, Grenada Basin rifting, and continental obduction

Multi-stage subduction-related metasomatism recorded in whiteschists from the Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps

Fluid effect on zircon O and U-Pb isotopes during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: Insights from the Dora-Maira Massif of the Western Alps

Deep carbon cycling during subduction revealed by coexisting diamond-methane-magnesite in peridotite

Hans-Peter Schertl Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Hans-Peter Schertl Skills & Research Interests

Metamorphic petrology



Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy

UHP metamorphism

Top articles of Hans-Peter Schertl

Iron mobility in subduction zone fluids at forearc depths and implications for mantle redox heterogeneity

Chemical Geology


Kun Zhou
Kun Zhou

H-Index: 52

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Fang Huang
Fang Huang

H-Index: 41

Nitrogen behavior during fluid-rock interaction in a continental subduction zone: Results from the UHP Dora-Maira Massif whiteschists and Eastern Alps leucophyllites



Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Geochemistry and PTt evolution of Paleoproterozoic metapelites of the Zhengjiapo BIF-type iron mine, Jiaobei terrane, North China Craton

Precambrian Research


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Fluid metasomatism of subducted continental crust: Insights from Si isotope compositions of metasomatic rocks from the Western and Eastern Alps



Zhen Shi
Zhen Shi

H-Index: 6

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Fang Huang
Fang Huang

H-Index: 41

Three-stage, 70 Myr exhumation of HP-LT rocks on Margarita, Venezuela: Caribbean intra-forearc shear, Grenada Basin rifting, and continental obduction

Journal of South American Earth Sciences


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Multi-stage subduction-related metasomatism recorded in whiteschists from the Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology


Ralf Halama
Ralf Halama

H-Index: 18

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Fluid effect on zircon O and U-Pb isotopes during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: Insights from the Dora-Maira Massif of the Western Alps

Geoscience Frontiers


Kun Zhou
Kun Zhou

H-Index: 52

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Deep carbon cycling during subduction revealed by coexisting diamond-methane-magnesite in peridotite

National Science Review


From divergent to convergent plate boundary: A ca. 200 Ma Wilson cycle recorded by ultrahigh-pressure eclogites in the Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps

Geological Society of America Bulletin


Xin Chen
Xin Chen

H-Index: 14

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Hao Lin
Hao Lin

H-Index: 30

Antiperthite and Mesoperthite Exsolution Textures in the Zhengjiapo BIF, Changyi Metallogenic Belt, North China Craton: Evidence of UHT Metamorphic Overprint



Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Advances in subduction zone fluids and their geochemical effects


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Barium isotope behavior during interaction between serpentinite-derived fluids and metamorphic rocks in the continental subduction zone

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Zhen Zeng
Zhen Zeng

H-Index: 4

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Fang Huang
Fang Huang

H-Index: 41

First finding of continental deep subduction in the Sesia Zone of the Western Alps and implications for subduction dynamics

National Science Review


High-pressure/ultrahigh-temperature mafic and felsic granulites associated with magnetite deposits from the Jiaobei terrane, Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton


Shuang Chen
Shuang Chen

H-Index: 5

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Tourmaline chemistry, boron, and strontium isotope systematics trace multiple melt–fluid–rock interaction stages in deeply subducted continental crust

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


COHS fluids released by oceanic serpentinite in subduction zones: Implications for arc-magma oxidation

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

“Hot” subduction initiation and the origin of the Yarlung-Tsangbo ophiolites, southern Tibet: New insights from ultrahigh temperature metamorphic soles

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Garnetite, garnet-quartz (‘coticule’) and calc-silicate layers in high-pressure metapelitic rocks, Venezuela: metamorphosed exhalites in a Cretaceous back-arc basin

International Geology Review


Laura Speich
Laura Speich

H-Index: 6

Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Rodingitization records from ocean-floor to high pressure metamorphism in the Xigaze ophiolite, southern Tibet

Gondwana Research


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

Shuang Chen
Shuang Chen

H-Index: 5

Tourmaline boron isotopes trace metasomatism by serpentinite-derived fluid in continental subduction zone

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Hans-Peter Schertl
Hans-Peter Schertl

H-Index: 19

See List of Professors in Hans-Peter Schertl University(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

