Hani Dimassi

About Hani Dimassi

Hani Dimassi, With an exceptional h-index of 35 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Lebanese American University, specializes in the field of Public Health, pharmacy work force, drug utilization, health services, nutrition.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Toxic metals in packed rice: Effects of size, type, origin, packing season, and storage duration (vol 115, 104920, 2023)

Corrigendum to “Toxic metals in packed rice: Effects of size, type, origin, packing season, and storage duration”[J. Food Compos.(2023) 104920](Journal of Food Composition and …

Impact of the 4th of August Beirut explosion mass casualty incident on a university hospital microbial Flora

safety and efficacy of disease modifying therapies after switching from natalizumab: a menactrims observational study

Assessment of mycotoxins in cornflakes marketed in Lebanon

Lower odds of COVID-19-related mortality in hospitalised patients with type II diabetes mellitus: A single-centre study

Aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in tea sold in lebanon: Effects of type, packaging, and origin

Evolution of COVID-19 infection characteristics in a Lebanese cohort of inpatients during different pandemic periods

Hani Dimassi Information



Associate professor School of Pharmacy



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Hani Dimassi Skills & Research Interests

Public Health

pharmacy work force

drug utilization

health services


Top articles of Hani Dimassi

Toxic metals in packed rice: Effects of size, type, origin, packing season, and storage duration (vol 115, 104920, 2023)

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis


Corrigendum to “Toxic metals in packed rice: Effects of size, type, origin, packing season, and storage duration”[J. Food Compos.(2023) 104920](Journal of Food Composition and …


Impact of the 4th of August Beirut explosion mass casualty incident on a university hospital microbial Flora

BMC Infectious Diseases


Hanine Mansour
Hanine Mansour

H-Index: 6

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

safety and efficacy of disease modifying therapies after switching from natalizumab: a menactrims observational study

Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders


Samia Khoury
Samia Khoury

H-Index: 40

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Assessment of mycotoxins in cornflakes marketed in Lebanon

Scientific Reports


Lower odds of COVID-19-related mortality in hospitalised patients with type II diabetes mellitus: A single-centre study

Plos one


Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in tea sold in lebanon: Effects of type, packaging, and origin

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Evolution of COVID-19 infection characteristics in a Lebanese cohort of inpatients during different pandemic periods

Pathogens and Global Health


Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Effect of combination of prophylactic or therapeutic anticoagulation with aspirin on the outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 patients: An observational retrospective study



Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Impact of social media education on antimicrobial stewardship awareness among pharmacy, medical and nursing students and residents

BMC Medical Education


Hanine Mansour
Hanine Mansour

H-Index: 6

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

The Pathway to Academic Performance: The Role of Motivation, Competence and Socio-familial Risk Factors in Lebanese Medical Students


Rajaa Chatila
Rajaa Chatila

H-Index: 5

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Burnout and coping strategies among health system pharmacists in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study

BMC Health Services Research


Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Nibal Chamoun
Nibal Chamoun

H-Index: 4

Reproductive health of Syrian refugee women in Lebanon: a descriptive analysis of the Sijilli electronic health records database

BMC Women's Health


Nour El Arnaout
Nour El Arnaout

H-Index: 8

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Predictors of surgical site infection following reconstructive flap surgery: a multi-institutional analysis of 37,177 patients

Frontiers in Surgery


Maternal health outcomes in the context of fragility: a retrospective study from Lebanon

Conflict and Health


Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Nour El Arnaout
Nour El Arnaout

H-Index: 8

Exposure Assessment of Aflatoxin B1 through Consumption of Rice in the United Arab Emirates

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Intravenous high dose vitamin C and selected antiviral drugs in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a descriptive cohort study

The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries


Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Vaccination process evaluation at COVID-19 vaccination centers in Lebanon: a national study

Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice


Aya Ibrahim
Aya Ibrahim

H-Index: 5

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Microbiological safety of commercial canned and dry pet food products in Lebanon

Frontiers in veterinary science


Mireille Serhan
Mireille Serhan

H-Index: 5

Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Exposure to ochratoxin A from rice consumption in Lebanon and United Arab Emirates: A comparative study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Hani Dimassi
Hani Dimassi

H-Index: 23

Layal Karam
Layal Karam

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Hani Dimassi University(Lebanese American University)