Hadi Mokhtari

About Hadi Mokhtari

Hadi Mokhtari, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Kashan, specializes in the field of Supply Chain Design, Inventory Planning, Sequencing and Scheduling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Multi-Product Humanitarian Supply Chain Network Design Problem: A Fuzzy Multi-objective and Robust Optimization Approach

Joint decisions on inventory classification, supplier selection and production policy for a multi-item EPQ inventory system under uncertainty

Developing a multi-product economic order quantity model with necessary simultaneous orders for imperfect quality items

A Multi-Objective Decision Making Model Based on Goal Programming and Fuzzy AHP Approach for Selecting Investment Projects in Mining Sector

Self-efficiency assessment of sustainable dynamic network healthcare service system under uncertainty: Hybrid fuzzy DEA-MCDM method

Design and Validation of a Training Model for Minimization and Segregation of Waste from the Source (Case of Study: Secondary School Students)

Comparing Two Inspection Policies for an EOQ Model with Imperfect Quality Items under Inspection Errors.

Blood Plasma Supply Chain Planning to Respond COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study

Hadi Mokhtari Information



Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering Iran



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Hadi Mokhtari Skills & Research Interests

Supply Chain Design

Inventory Planning

Sequencing and Scheduling

Top articles of Hadi Mokhtari

A Multi-Product Humanitarian Supply Chain Network Design Problem: A Fuzzy Multi-objective and Robust Optimization Approach

International Journal of Engineering


Ali Fallahi
Ali Fallahi

H-Index: 1

Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Joint decisions on inventory classification, supplier selection and production policy for a multi-item EPQ inventory system under uncertainty

Journal of Quality Engineering and Production Optimization


Developing a multi-product economic order quantity model with necessary simultaneous orders for imperfect quality items

Journal of decisions and operations research


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

A Multi-Objective Decision Making Model Based on Goal Programming and Fuzzy AHP Approach for Selecting Investment Projects in Mining Sector

Engineering Management and Soft Computing


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Mohammad Javadi
Mohammad Javadi

H-Index: 1

Self-efficiency assessment of sustainable dynamic network healthcare service system under uncertainty: Hybrid fuzzy DEA-MCDM method

Scientia Iranica


Design and Validation of a Training Model for Minimization and Segregation of Waste from the Source (Case of Study: Secondary School Students)

Journal of Health System Research


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Seyed Mohammad Shobeiry
Seyed Mohammad Shobeiry

H-Index: 0

Comparing Two Inspection Policies for an EOQ Model with Imperfect Quality Items under Inspection Errors.

Journal of Practical Auditing & Accounting


Javad Asadkhani
Javad Asadkhani

H-Index: 2

Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Blood Plasma Supply Chain Planning to Respond COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Ali Fallahi
Ali Fallahi

H-Index: 1

Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

A Sustainable Supply Chain under VMI-CS Agreement with Withdrawal Policies for Imperfect Items

Journal of cleaner production


Optimizing the exploratory drilling rig route based on the Multi-Objective Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem

International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Automatic Control and Guidance of Mobile Robot using Machine Learning Methods

Journal of AI and Data Mining


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Pareto efficient correlated multi-response optimization by considering customer satisfaction

International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology


Ali Salmasnia
Ali Salmasnia

H-Index: 14

Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

An Economic Production Quantity Model with Probabilistic Machine Breakdown and Multiple Shipments Policy

Journal of Industrial Management Perspective


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Ali Fallahi
Ali Fallahi

H-Index: 1

Identifying Effective Indicators in Educating Citizens to Minimize and Separate the Waste at Source:(A Case of High School Students)

Journal of Health System Research


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Seyed Mohammad Shobeiry
Seyed Mohammad Shobeiry

H-Index: 0

Economic order quantity for imperfect quality items under inspection errors, batch replacement and multiple sales of returned items

Scientia Iranica


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Javad Asadkhani
Javad Asadkhani

H-Index: 2

Economic Production Quantity Under Possible Substitution: A Scenario Analysis Approach

International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research


Designing a Closed-Loop Blood Supply Chain Network Considering Transportation Flow and Quality Aspects

Sustainable Operations and Computers


Ali Fallahi
Ali Fallahi

H-Index: 1

Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Single and Multi-Stage Manufacturing Systems Under Imperfect Quality Items with Random Defective Rate, Rework and Scrap

Scientia Iranica


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

Aliakbar Hasani
Aliakbar Hasani

H-Index: 12

Multi-Product Constrained Economic Production Quantity Models for Imperfect Quality Items with Rework

International Journal of Industiral Engineering & Producion Research, 32 (2)


A Sustainable Production-Inventory Model Joint with Preventive Maintenance and Multiple Shipments for Imperfect Quality Items

Scientia Iranica


Hadi Mokhtari
Hadi Mokhtari

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Hadi Mokhtari University(University of Kashan)

