Hadi Memarian

About Hadi Memarian

Hadi Memarian, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Birjand, specializes in the field of Land Resource Management, Soil Conservation Planning, Hydrological Modeling, Model Optimization, Expert Systems & Land Use Simul.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Quantitative evaluation of land subsidence in the northern part of Kashmir aquifer using radar interferometry approach and PSI drought index

Assessment and efficiency of CMIP6 models in simulation and prediction of climatic parameters of precipitation and temperature in the Samalghan basin, Iran.

Climate change impact assessment on precipitation and temperature variations using emission scenarios (Case study: Kashmir climatic region)

Modeling the risk of advancing sand areas using expert algorithms and artificial intelligence

Assessing impacts of floods disaster on soil erosion risk based on the RUSLE-GloSEM approach in western Iran

An integrative approach of the physical-based stability index mapping with the maximum entropy stochastic model for risk analysis of mass movements

Role of rainwater harvesting for improving the human well-being and ecosystem services

Monitoring the spatial autocorrelation of land surface temperature with land use in different climatic regions (Case Study: The Metropolitans of Mashhad and Sari)

Hadi Memarian Information



Associate Prof. Watershed Management Iran



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Hadi Memarian Skills & Research Interests

Land Resource Management

Soil Conservation Planning

Hydrological Modeling

Model Optimization

Expert Systems & Land Use Simul

Top articles of Hadi Memarian

Quantitative evaluation of land subsidence in the northern part of Kashmir aquifer using radar interferometry approach and PSI drought index

Environmental Erosion Research Journal


Assessment and efficiency of CMIP6 models in simulation and prediction of climatic parameters of precipitation and temperature in the Samalghan basin, Iran.



Ali Shahidi
Ali Shahidi

H-Index: 0

Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Climate change impact assessment on precipitation and temperature variations using emission scenarios (Case study: Kashmir climatic region)

Iranian Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems


Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Modeling the risk of advancing sand areas using expert algorithms and artificial intelligence

Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental hazarts


Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Assessing impacts of floods disaster on soil erosion risk based on the RUSLE-GloSEM approach in western Iran

Natural Hazards


An integrative approach of the physical-based stability index mapping with the maximum entropy stochastic model for risk analysis of mass movements

Environment, Development and Sustainability


Role of rainwater harvesting for improving the human well-being and ecosystem services

Iranian Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems


Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Monitoring the spatial autocorrelation of land surface temperature with land use in different climatic regions (Case Study: The Metropolitans of Mashhad and Sari)



Edaphically investigation of the Somaq habitat and its relationship with biological diversity (Case study: Bideskan habitat, Ferdows, Southeastern Khorasan, Iran)

Desert Ecosystem Engineering


Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Investigation of Statistical Relationships among Morphological Characteristics of Semi-Arid Watersheds for Using in Hydrological Models (Case Study: Neishabour Bar Watershed)

Water Harvesting Research


Multi-Objective Calibration of a Single-Event, Physically-Based Hydrological Model (KINEROS2) Using AMALGAM Approach


Mohsen Pourreza-Bilondi
Mohsen Pourreza-Bilondi

H-Index: 8

Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

A comprehensive assessment and modeling of land use changes in a flood-prone watershed, Northeast of Iran

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing


Vahedberdi Sheikh
Vahedberdi Sheikh

H-Index: 10

Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Spatial distribution of soil erosion risk and its economic impacts using an integrated CORINE-GIS approach

Environmental Earth Sciences


Morteza Akbari
Morteza Akbari

H-Index: 4

Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Computational Intelligence for Water and Environmental Sciences


The prioritization of isochrones affecting peak flood discharge in Neishabour Bar Watershed, Iran

Water Harvesting Research


Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Mohsen Pourreza-Bilondi
Mohsen Pourreza-Bilondi

H-Index: 8

Evaluation and Comparison of GPM Satellite Precipitation Data with Meteorological Station using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Iranian Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems


Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

Morteza Akbari
Morteza Akbari

H-Index: 4

Modeling the Effects of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Desertification Intensity in Mokhtaran Plain Using CA-Markov Method

Desert Management


Mohammad Rahimi
Mohammad Rahimi

H-Index: 10

Hadi Memarian
Hadi Memarian

H-Index: 12

برآورد ضریب اعوجاج در شرایط غیراشباع مبتنی بر مفاهیم فرکتالی‎

فصلنامه علمی مهندسی منابع آب


Estimation of tortuosity coefficient under unsaturated conditions based on fractal concepts

Water Resources Engineering


پیش‏ بینی اثر ترکیبی تغییر اقلیم و کاربری اراضی بر فرسایش خاک در ایران با استفاده از داده‏ های جهانیGloSEM‎



See List of Professors in Hadi Memarian University(University of Birjand)

