Giulio Jacucci

About Giulio Jacucci

Giulio Jacucci, With an exceptional h-index of 51 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Helsingin yliopisto, specializes in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, #UnivHelsinkiCS.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

VMS: Interactive Visualization to Support the Sensemaking and Selection of Predictive Models

Periodic mobile application (eMOM) with self-tracking of glucose and lifestyle improves treatment of diet-controlled gestational diabetes without human guidance: a randomized …

Entity Footprinting: Modeling Contextual User States via Digital Activity Monitoring

A Pilot Study Comparing ChatGPT and Google Search in Supporting Visualization Insight Discovery

" I'd rather drink in VRChat": Understanding Drinking in Social Virtual Reality

Understanding Phantom Tactile Sensation on Commercially Available Social Virtual Reality Platforms

" I Felt Everyone Was a Streamer": An Empirical Study on What Makes Avatar Collective Streaming Engaging

Supporting the Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus With Comprehensive Self-Tracking: Mixed Methods Study of Wearable Sensors

Giulio Jacucci Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Giulio Jacucci Skills & Research Interests

Human-Computer Interaction


Top articles of Giulio Jacucci

VMS: Interactive Visualization to Support the Sensemaking and Selection of Predictive Models


Periodic mobile application (eMOM) with self-tracking of glucose and lifestyle improves treatment of diet-controlled gestational diabetes without human guidance: a randomized …

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Suvi Virtanen
Suvi Virtanen

H-Index: 3

Entity Footprinting: Modeling Contextual User States via Digital Activity Monitoring

ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems


A Pilot Study Comparing ChatGPT and Google Search in Supporting Visualization Insight Discovery


Chen He
Chen He

H-Index: 6

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

" I'd rather drink in VRChat": Understanding Drinking in Social Virtual Reality


Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Understanding Phantom Tactile Sensation on Commercially Available Social Virtual Reality Platforms

Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction


Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

" I Felt Everyone Was a Streamer": An Empirical Study on What Makes Avatar Collective Streaming Engaging

Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction


Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Supporting the Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus With Comprehensive Self-Tracking: Mixed Methods Study of Wearable Sensors

JMIR diabetes


Mikko Kytö
Mikko Kytö

H-Index: 10

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Meditating in a neurofeedback virtual reality: effects on sense of presence, meditation depth and brain oscillations

Behaviour & Information Technology


Supporting Management of Gestational Diabetes with Comprehensive Self-Tracking: Mixed-Method Study of Wearable Sensors

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.07437


Mikko Kytö
Mikko Kytö

H-Index: 10

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Revisiting embodiment for brain–computer interfaces

Human–Computer Interaction


Barış Serim
Barış Serim

H-Index: 6

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Advanced workstations and collaborative robots: exploiting eye-tracking and cardiac activity indices to unveil senior workers’ mental workload in assembly tasks

Frontiers in Robotics and AI


Behavior change Apps for gestational diabetes management: exploring desirable features

International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction


Mikko Kytö
Mikko Kytö

H-Index: 10

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Increasing self–other similarity modulates ethnic bias in sensorimotor resonance to others’ pain

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience


EntityBot: Actionable Entity Recommendations for Everyday Digital Task


Characterizing visualization insights through entity-based interaction: An exploratory study

arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.12897


Chen He
Chen He

H-Index: 6

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Protocol: Comprehensive self-tracking of blood glucose and lifestyle with a mobile application in the management of gestational diabetes: a study protocol for a randomised …

BMJ Open


Mikko Kytö
Mikko Kytö

H-Index: 10

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

How Age Affects Information Search Behavior? Evidence From Everyday Search Behavior in the Wild

Evidence From Everyday Search Behavior in the Wild


Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Tuukka Ruotsalo
Tuukka Ruotsalo

H-Index: 19

Comprehensive self-tracking of blood glucose and lifestyle with a mobile application in the management of gestational diabetes: a study protocol for a randomised controlled …

BMJ open


Mikko Kytö
Mikko Kytö

H-Index: 10

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

Behavior change app for self-management of gestational diabetes: design and evaluation of desirable features

JMIR Human Factors


Mikko Kytö
Mikko Kytö

H-Index: 10

Giulio Jacucci
Giulio Jacucci

H-Index: 31

See List of Professors in Giulio Jacucci University(Helsingin yliopisto)

