Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

About Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade Estadual Paulista,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Alta dose de anabolizante esteroide androgênico aumenta estresse oxidativo e reduz área de estroma nas glândulas parótidas de ratos Wistar

Prostate histological investigation in rats exposed to bisphenol a and phytochemicals during the perinatal period and subjected to hormonal stimulus in adulthood

Assessing the negative impact of chlorantraniliprole, isoxaflutole, and simazine pesticides on phospholipid membrane models and tilapia gill tissues

Integrated aerobic exercise with LDE-docetaxel treatment: a novel approach to combat prostate cancer progression

Aerobic physical exercise modifies the prostate tumoral environment

Alterations in salivary biochemical composition and redox state disruption induced by the anticonvulsant valproic acid in male rat salivary glands

Long exposure to a mixture of endocrine disruptors prediposes the ventral prostate of rats to preneoplastic lesions

Biological responses to imazapic and methyl parathion pesticides in bioinspired lipid membranes and Tilapia fish

Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira Information



- Faculdad e Ciências e Tecnologia - UNESP



Citations(since 2020)


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Top articles of Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

Alta dose de anabolizante esteroide androgênico aumenta estresse oxidativo e reduz área de estroma nas glândulas parótidas de ratos Wistar

Revista de Odontologia da UNESP


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Prostate histological investigation in rats exposed to bisphenol a and phytochemicals during the perinatal period and subjected to hormonal stimulus in adulthood

International Journal of Environmental Health Research


Assessing the negative impact of chlorantraniliprole, isoxaflutole, and simazine pesticides on phospholipid membrane models and tilapia gill tissues

Environmental Pollution


Integrated aerobic exercise with LDE-docetaxel treatment: a novel approach to combat prostate cancer progression

Scientific Reports


Elaine Rufo Tavares
Elaine Rufo Tavares

H-Index: 11

Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Aerobic physical exercise modifies the prostate tumoral environment

Life Sciences


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Alterations in salivary biochemical composition and redox state disruption induced by the anticonvulsant valproic acid in male rat salivary glands

Archives of Oral Biology


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Ana Cláudia De Melo Stevanato Nakamune
Ana Cláudia De Melo Stevanato Nakamune

H-Index: 10

Long exposure to a mixture of endocrine disruptors prediposes the ventral prostate of rats to preneoplastic lesions

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Biological responses to imazapic and methyl parathion pesticides in bioinspired lipid membranes and Tilapia fish

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Assessment of the toxic effects of levetiracetam on biochemical, functional, and redox parameters of salivary glands in male Wistar rats



Intermittent fasting combined with exercise training reduces body mass and alleviates hypothalamic disorders induced by high-fat diet intake

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Camila De Moraes
Camila De Moraes

H-Index: 11

Rodrigo Rorato
Rodrigo Rorato

H-Index: 8

Aerobic physical exercise enhances nanoparticle efficacy in prostate cancer treatment


Elaine Rufo Tavares
Elaine Rufo Tavares

H-Index: 11

Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

The Impact of Recreational Rhythmic Gymnastics Training on Selective Attention and Working Memory in Women Adults


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

High-Intensity Interval Training Minimizes the Deleterious Effects of Arterial Hypertension on the Urinary Bladder of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Strength training for arterial hypertension treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Combined physical exercise reverses the reduced expression of Bmal1 in the liver of aged mice

Life Sciences


Genetic deletion of IL‐6 increases CK‐MB, a classic cardiac damage marker, and decreases UPRmt genes after exhaustive exercise

Cell Biochemistry and Function


Calvaria critical size defects regeneration using collagen membranes to assess the osteopromotive principle: An animal study



Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Ana Paula Farnezi Bassi
Ana Paula Farnezi Bassi

H-Index: 11

High‐intensity interval training attenuates the effects caused by arterial hypertension in the ventral prostate

The Prostate


Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira
Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira

H-Index: 10

Molecular mechanisms related to increased hepatic fat content in response to excessive physical exercise.


Advances in the crosstalk between maternal separation and voluntary ethanol consumption and effects on reproduction

Life Sciences


See List of Professors in Giovana Rampazzo Teixeira University(Universidade Estadual Paulista)