Gino A Kurian

About Gino A Kurian

Gino A Kurian, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at SASTRA University, specializes in the field of Mitochondria Biology & Reperfusion Injury.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Comparative evaluation of single and multiple exposure to PM2. 5 in respirable air on cardiac physiology, structure and function in a Wistar rat model

Ischemic preconditioning modulates the DNA methylation process of the rat heart to provide tolerance to withstand ischemia reperfusion injury and its associated mitochondrial …

DNA hypomethylation by fisetin preserves mitochondria functional genes and contributes to the protection of I/R rat heart

PM2.5 Exposure-Linked Mitochondrial Dysfunction Negates SB216763-Mediated Cardio-Protection against Myocardial Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury

Cardiac damage following renal ischemia reperfusion injury increased with excessive consumption of high fat diet but enhanced the cardiac resistance to reperfusion stress in rat

Preparation of fisetin loaded mesoporous silica nanocarrier to attenuate ischemia reperfusion injury

Evaluation of prophylactic efficacy of sodium thiosulfate in combating I/R injury in rat brain: exploring its efficiency further in vascular calcified brain slice model

Exposure to real ambient particulate matter inflicts cardiac electrophysiological disturbances, vascular calcification, and mitochondrial bioenergetics decline more than diesel …

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Gino A Kurian Skills & Research Interests

Mitochondria Biology & Reperfusion Injury

Top articles of Gino A Kurian

Comparative evaluation of single and multiple exposure to PM2. 5 in respirable air on cardiac physiology, structure and function in a Wistar rat model

Journal of Environmental Sciences


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Ischemic preconditioning modulates the DNA methylation process of the rat heart to provide tolerance to withstand ischemia reperfusion injury and its associated mitochondrial …

3 Biotech


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

DNA hypomethylation by fisetin preserves mitochondria functional genes and contributes to the protection of I/R rat heart

Functional & Integrative Genomics


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

PM2.5 Exposure-Linked Mitochondrial Dysfunction Negates SB216763-Mediated Cardio-Protection against Myocardial Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury



Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Cardiac damage following renal ischemia reperfusion injury increased with excessive consumption of high fat diet but enhanced the cardiac resistance to reperfusion stress in rat



Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Preparation of fisetin loaded mesoporous silica nanocarrier to attenuate ischemia reperfusion injury

Journal of Materials Research


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Evaluation of prophylactic efficacy of sodium thiosulfate in combating I/R injury in rat brain: exploring its efficiency further in vascular calcified brain slice model

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology


Sriram Ravindran
Sriram Ravindran

H-Index: 18

Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Exposure to real ambient particulate matter inflicts cardiac electrophysiological disturbances, vascular calcification, and mitochondrial bioenergetics decline more than diesel …

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

PM2.5-Induced Cardiac Structural Modifications and Declined Pro-Survival Signalling Pathways Are Responsible for the Inefficiency of GSK-3β Inhibitor in …



Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

CABG Patients Develop Global DNA Hypermethylation, That Negatively Affect the Mitochondrial Function and Promote Post-Surgical Cognitive Decline: A Proof of Concept in Small Cohort

Journal of Clinical Medicine


Sriram Ravindran
Sriram Ravindran

H-Index: 18

Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Impaired renal ischemia reperfusion recovery after bilateral renal artery ligation in rats treated with adenine: role of renal mitochondria

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Diabetic cardiomyopathy attenuated the protective effect of ischaemic post-conditioning against ischaemia-reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart model

Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

High Susceptibility of Statin-Treated Heart to Ischemia-Reper fusion: Combinatorial Effects of Resveratrol, Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Coenzyme Q10.

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

High-fat diet-induced mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with loss of protection from ischemic preconditioning in renal ischemia reperfusion

Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

A Study on the Therapeutic Effect of 5-Azacytidine to Attenuate the Ramifying Repercussions of Ischemia Reperfusion Injury on Mitochondrial Molecular Machinery

American Journal of Chemistry and Pharmacy


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

PM2.5 from diesel exhaust attenuated fisetin mediated cytoprotection in H9c2 cardiomyocytes subjected to ischemia reoxygenation by inducing mitotoxicity

Drug and Chemical Toxicology


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Stem cells in the management of phospholipase-mediated metabolic disorders


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Targeting DNA methylation can reduce cardiac injury associated with ischemia reperfusion: One step closer to clinical translation with blood-borne assessment

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Resveratrol-mediated cardioprotection against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury was revoked by statin-induced mitochondrial alterations

Drug and Chemical Toxicology


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

Investigating the role of DNMT1 gene expression on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in rat and associated changes in mitochondria

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics


Gino A Kurian
Gino A Kurian

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Gino A Kurian University(SASTRA University)