Gila Behzadi

About Gila Behzadi

Gila Behzadi, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Neuroscience.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Antinociceptive effects of vitamin B-complex: A behavioral and histochemical study in rats

Chronic inhibition of astrocytic aquaporin-4 induces autistic-like behavior in control rat offspring similar to maternal exposure to valproic acid

Preventive putative effect of agmatine on cognitive and molecular outcomes in ventral tegmental area of male offspring following physical and psychological prenatal stress

Glycolysis inhibition partially resets epilepsy-induced alterations in the dorsal hippocampus-basolateral amygdala circuit involved in anxiety-like behavior

Evaluation of c-Fos protein expression and NADPH-d reactivity in Neurobion pretreated rat model of inflammatory pain

The electrophysiological signature of dorsal hippocampus-basolateral amygdala circuit in anxiety-like behavior in the intrahippocampal kainic acid mice model of temporal lobe …

Vahid Ahli Khatibi, Morteza Salimi 2, Mona Rahdar, Mahmoud Rezaei 3, Milad Nazari 4, Samaneh Dehghan 5, Shima Davoudi, Mohammad Reza Raoufy 3, Javad Mirnajafi‑Zadeh 3

The Glycolysis Inhibitor 2-Deoxy-d-Glucose Exerts Different Neuronal Effects at Circuit and Cellular Levels, Partially Reverses Behavioral Alterations and does not …

Gila Behzadi Information



Professor in Neuroscience Faculty of Medicine



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Gila Behzadi Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Gila Behzadi

Antinociceptive effects of vitamin B-complex: A behavioral and histochemical study in rats

IBRO Neuroscience Reports


Mina Shahriari-Khalaji
Mina Shahriari-Khalaji

H-Index: 1

Gila Behzadi
Gila Behzadi

H-Index: 10

Chronic inhibition of astrocytic aquaporin-4 induces autistic-like behavior in control rat offspring similar to maternal exposure to valproic acid

Physiology & Behavior


Preventive putative effect of agmatine on cognitive and molecular outcomes in ventral tegmental area of male offspring following physical and psychological prenatal stress

Developmental Psychobiology


Glycolysis inhibition partially resets epilepsy-induced alterations in the dorsal hippocampus-basolateral amygdala circuit involved in anxiety-like behavior

Scientific Reports


Evaluation of c-Fos protein expression and NADPH-d reactivity in Neurobion pretreated rat model of inflammatory pain


Mina Shahriari-Khalaji
Mina Shahriari-Khalaji

H-Index: 1

Gila Behzadi
Gila Behzadi

H-Index: 10

The electrophysiological signature of dorsal hippocampus-basolateral amygdala circuit in anxiety-like behavior in the intrahippocampal kainic acid mice model of temporal lobe …


Vahid Ahli Khatibi, Morteza Salimi 2, Mona Rahdar, Mahmoud Rezaei 3, Milad Nazari 4, Samaneh Dehghan 5, Shima Davoudi, Mohammad Reza Raoufy 3, Javad Mirnajafi‑Zadeh 3

Scientific Reports


The Glycolysis Inhibitor 2-Deoxy-d-Glucose Exerts Different Neuronal Effects at Circuit and Cellular Levels, Partially Reverses Behavioral Alterations and does not …

Neurochemical Research


Alterations in the intrinsic discharge activity of CA1 pyramidal neurons associated with possible changes in the NADPH diaphorase activity in a rat model of autism induced by …

Brain Research


The role of hippocampal glial glutamate transporter (GLT‐1) in morphine‐induced behavioral responses

Brain and Behavior


5-HT7 receptor activation rescues impaired synaptic plasticity in an autistic-like rat model induced by prenatal VPA exposure

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory


See List of Professors in Gila Behzadi University(Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences)