Gerald Mills

About Gerald Mills

Gerald Mills, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 34 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University College Dublin, specializes in the field of Climates of cities.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Implementation of global soil databases in NOAH-MP model and the effects on simulated mean and extreme soil hydrothermal changes

New directions for urban climate science

An assessment of WRF-urban schemes in simulating local meteorology for heat stress analysis in a tropical sub-Saharan African city, Lagos, Nigeria

A study of the impact of landscape heterogeneity on surface energy fluxes in a tropical climate using SUEWS

JASON CHING 1940-2023.

Assessing heat risk in a sub-saharan African humid city, Lagos, Nigeria, using numerical modelling and open-source geospatial socio-demographic datasets

A health data led approach for assessing potential health benefits of green and blue spaces: Lessons from an Irish case study

The incorporation of 250 m soil grid textural layers in the NOAH-MP land surface models and its effects on soil hydrothermal regimes

Gerald Mills Information



School of Geography



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Gerald Mills Skills & Research Interests

Climates of cities

Top articles of Gerald Mills

Implementation of global soil databases in NOAH-MP model and the effects on simulated mean and extreme soil hydrothermal changes

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions


New directions for urban climate science


Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

An assessment of WRF-urban schemes in simulating local meteorology for heat stress analysis in a tropical sub-Saharan African city, Lagos, Nigeria

International Journal of Biometeorology


Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo

H-Index: 18

Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

A study of the impact of landscape heterogeneity on surface energy fluxes in a tropical climate using SUEWS

Urban Climate


Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo

H-Index: 18

Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

JASON CHING 1940-2023.

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

Matei Georgescu
Matei Georgescu

H-Index: 26

Assessing heat risk in a sub-saharan African humid city, Lagos, Nigeria, using numerical modelling and open-source geospatial socio-demographic datasets

City and Environment Interactions


Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo

H-Index: 18

Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

A health data led approach for assessing potential health benefits of green and blue spaces: Lessons from an Irish case study

Journal of Environmental Management


The incorporation of 250 m soil grid textural layers in the NOAH-MP land surface models and its effects on soil hydrothermal regimes

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Urban meteorological forcing data for building energy simulations at a neighbourhood scale

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

Investigating global warming and future urbanization impacts on heat stress inmegacities-a multi-scalemodeling approach

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo

H-Index: 18

Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

Andy Horowitz, Katrina: A History, 1915–2015 Harvard University Press, 2020, 416 pp., ISBN: 9,780,674,971,714


Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

A model framework to investigate the role of anomalous land surface processes in the amplification of summer drought across Ireland during 2018

International Journal of Climatology


Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

Rowan Fealy
Rowan Fealy

H-Index: 15

The origins of modern urban climate science: reflections on ‘A numerical model of the urban heat island’

Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment


Modelling the Urbanization Effect on Urban Energy Fluxes over a Tropical Humid City, Lagos, Nigeria using SUEWS


Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo
Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo

H-Index: 18

Gerald Mills
Gerald Mills

H-Index: 26

Application and evaluation of the WRF-chem modelling infrastructure over Ireland to support greenhouse gas mitigation policies


Preventing cardiovascular disease in at-risk patients: Protocol for a feasibility study in general practice (‘High-Risk Prevention Programme’)

HRB Open Research


A global Local Climate Zone map: revealing intra-urban heterogeneity.

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


A global map of Local Climate Zones to support earth system modelling and urban scale environmental science

Earth System Science Data Discussions


Modeling large‐scale heatwave by incorporating enhanced urban representation

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


See List of Professors in Gerald Mills University(University College Dublin)

