Georgios Georgalis

Georgios Georgalis

Purdue University

H-index: 2

North America-United States

About Georgios Georgalis

Georgios Georgalis, With an exceptional h-index of 2 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Purdue University, specializes in the field of Aerospace Engineering, Machine learning, Uncertainty Quantification.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Uncertainty Quantification of Shear-induced Paraffin Droplet Pinch-off in Hybrid Rocket Motors

Restoration of metabolic functional metrics from label-free, two-photon human tissue images using multiscale deep-learning-based denoising algorithms

Study on Machine Learning Methods for General Aviation Flight Phase Identification

Automated Identification of Phase of Flight via Probabilistic Clustering for General Aviation Operations

Combined Data and Deep Learning Model Uncertainties: An Application to the Measurement of Solid Fuel Regression Rate

An Ensemble-Based Deep Framework for Estimating Thermo-Chemical State Variables from Flamelet Generated Manifolds

Measurement of hybrid rocket solid fuel regression rate for a slab burner using deep learning

Preventing Systems Engineering Failures with Crowdsourcing: Instructor Recommendations and Student Feedback in Project-Based Learning

Georgios Georgalis Information



Graduate Research Assistant



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Georgios Georgalis Skills & Research Interests

Aerospace Engineering

Machine learning

Uncertainty Quantification

Top articles of Georgios Georgalis

Uncertainty Quantification of Shear-induced Paraffin Droplet Pinch-off in Hybrid Rocket Motors


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Restoration of metabolic functional metrics from label-free, two-photon human tissue images using multiscale deep-learning-based denoising algorithms

Journal of Biomedical Optics


Study on Machine Learning Methods for General Aviation Flight Phase Identification

Journal of Aerospace Information Systems


Automated Identification of Phase of Flight via Probabilistic Clustering for General Aviation Operations


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Nicoletta Fala
Nicoletta Fala

H-Index: 3

Combined Data and Deep Learning Model Uncertainties: An Application to the Measurement of Solid Fuel Regression Rate

International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

An Ensemble-Based Deep Framework for Estimating Thermo-Chemical State Variables from Flamelet Generated Manifolds


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Measurement of hybrid rocket solid fuel regression rate for a slab burner using deep learning

Acta Astronautica


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Preventing Systems Engineering Failures with Crowdsourcing: Instructor Recommendations and Student Feedback in Project-Based Learning


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Predicting failure events from crowd‐derived inputs: schedule slips and missed requirements

INCOSE International Symposium


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Karen Marais
Karen Marais

H-Index: 17

Best Overall 2019 PIC Paper and PIC II Winner-Assessment of Project-based Learning Courses Using Crowd Signals


Georgios Georgalis
Georgios Georgalis

H-Index: 0

Karen Marais
Karen Marais

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Georgios Georgalis University(Purdue University)