Gavin Low

Gavin Low

University of Alberta

H-index: 31

North America-Canada

About Gavin Low

Gavin Low, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Alberta, specializes in the field of Radiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Vascular compression syndromes in the abdomen and pelvis: a concise pictorial review

The retrocaval ureter-A rare development cause for urinary tract obstruction

Diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced CT versus PET/CT for advanced ovarian cancer staging: a comparative systematic review and meta-analysis

Ultrasound-derived fat fraction is not yet ready for widespread clinical use

Evolution of spontaneous portosystemic shunts over time and following aetiological intervention in patients with cirrhosis

An open label feasibility study of a nutrition and exercise app-based solution in cirrhosis

Diagnostic accuracy of CT and MR features for detecting atypical lipomatous tumors and malignant liposarcomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Two-point Dixon and six-point Dixon magnetic resonance techniques in the detection, quantification and grading of hepatic steatosis

Gavin Low Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Gavin Low Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Gavin Low

Vascular compression syndromes in the abdomen and pelvis: a concise pictorial review


The retrocaval ureter-A rare development cause for urinary tract obstruction

Urology Case Reports


Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced CT versus PET/CT for advanced ovarian cancer staging: a comparative systematic review and meta-analysis


Ultrasound-derived fat fraction is not yet ready for widespread clinical use

La radiologia medica


Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Evolution of spontaneous portosystemic shunts over time and following aetiological intervention in patients with cirrhosis

JHEP reports


An open label feasibility study of a nutrition and exercise app-based solution in cirrhosis

Canadian Liver Journal


Diagnostic accuracy of CT and MR features for detecting atypical lipomatous tumors and malignant liposarcomas: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Two-point Dixon and six-point Dixon magnetic resonance techniques in the detection, quantification and grading of hepatic steatosis

World Journal of Radiology


Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Unilateral renal agenesis, blind-ended ureter, and ectopic ureterocele inserting into the seminal vesicle: A very rare developmental association

Urology Case Reports


Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Impact of Size Thresholds on the Diagnosis of Incidental Adrenal Lesions: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Comparing the Denver criteria sets for blunt trauma: a retrospective study of cases in Edmonton, Alberta

The British Journal of Radiology


Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Adrenal neoplasms: lessons from adrenal multidisciplinary tumor boards



Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Nicola Schieda
Nicola Schieda

H-Index: 29

Multiparametric MR assessment of liver fat, iron, and fibrosis: a concise overview of the liver “Triple Screen”


Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Radiomics-based approaches outperform visual analysis for differentiating lipoma from atypical lipomatous tumors: a review


Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Mitchell P Wilson
Mitchell P Wilson

H-Index: 7

Incidental maternal findings on fetal MRI

Clinical Radiology


Cystic retroperitoneal dedifferentiated liposarcoma: A case report

Journal of Clinical Imaging Science


Bo Bao
Bo Bao

H-Index: 7

Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Diagnostic accuracy and inter-reader reliability of the MRI Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (version 2018) risk stratification and management system

SA Journal of Radiology


Tips for improving consistency of thyroid nodule interpretation with ACR TI-RADS

Journal of Ultrasonography


Gavin Low
Gavin Low

H-Index: 20

Yang Du
Yang Du

H-Index: 8

14: 1473-1480. e3 In the above article, the affiliation for Alshimaa Alaboudy was listed incorrectly as Alberta University Hospital. The correct affiliation is: Department of …

Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology


Effect of training on resident inter-reader agreement with American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System

World Journal of Radiology


See List of Professors in Gavin Low University(University of Alberta)