Gabriel Wolf

Gabriel Wolf

University of Reading

H-index: 6

Europe-United Kingdom

About Gabriel Wolf

Gabriel Wolf, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Reading, specializes in the field of quasi-stationary waves, propagating wave packets, wave activity flux, European weather extremes, aquaplanets.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Forecasting tropical high-impact rainfall events using a hybrid statistical dynamical technique based on equatorial waves

Comparison of probabilistic forecasts of extreme precipitation for a global and convection‐permitting ensemble and hybrid statistical–dynamical method based on equatorial wave …

Hybrid dynamical–statistical forecasts of the risk of rainfall in Southeast Asia dependent on equatorial waves

A new paradigm for lateral stirring and lateral stirring surfaces in the oceans

Response of atmospheric quasi‐stationary waves to La Niña conditions in Northern Hemisphere winter

On the Links Between Thermobaricity, Available Potential Energy, Neutral Directions, Buoyancy Forces, and Lateral Stirring in the Ocean

Does lateral stirring really take place along neutral surfaces in double-diffusive regions of the oceans?

Does lateral mixing really take place along neutral surfaces in the double-diffusive regions of the ocean?

Gabriel Wolf Information



National Centre for Atmospheric Science UK



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Gabriel Wolf Skills & Research Interests

quasi-stationary waves

propagating wave packets

wave activity flux

European weather extremes


Top articles of Gabriel Wolf

Forecasting tropical high-impact rainfall events using a hybrid statistical dynamical technique based on equatorial waves


Comparison of probabilistic forecasts of extreme precipitation for a global and convection‐permitting ensemble and hybrid statistical–dynamical method based on equatorial wave …

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


Hybrid dynamical–statistical forecasts of the risk of rainfall in Southeast Asia dependent on equatorial waves

Monthly Weather Review


A new paradigm for lateral stirring and lateral stirring surfaces in the oceans

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Gabriel Wolf
Gabriel Wolf

H-Index: 5

Response of atmospheric quasi‐stationary waves to La Niña conditions in Northern Hemisphere winter

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


On the Links Between Thermobaricity, Available Potential Energy, Neutral Directions, Buoyancy Forces, and Lateral Stirring in the Ocean

arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00456


Gabriel Wolf
Gabriel Wolf

H-Index: 5

Does lateral stirring really take place along neutral surfaces in double-diffusive regions of the oceans?

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Gabriel Wolf
Gabriel Wolf

H-Index: 5

Does lateral mixing really take place along neutral surfaces in the double-diffusive regions of the ocean?


Gabriel Wolf
Gabriel Wolf

H-Index: 5

Connection between sea surface anomalies and atmospheric quasi-stationary waves

Journal of Climate


See List of Professors in Gabriel Wolf University(University of Reading)