Frank Van Langevelde

About Frank Van Langevelde

Frank Van Langevelde, With an exceptional h-index of 51 and a recent h-index of 35 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Wageningen Universiteit, specializes in the field of Animal ecology, Movement ecology, Population biology, Adaptive consumer-resource interactions.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effects of mineral addition on the establishment of grazing lawns in a nutrient poor savanna

Influence of tree cover on carcass detection and consumption by facultative vertebrate scavengers

Behaviours of honeybees can reduce the probability of deformed wing virus outbreaks in Varroa destructor-infested colonies

Comparing daily, circalunar and seasonal activity patterns of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus in response to livestock presence in Botswana

Africa's overlooked top predator: Towards a better understanding of martial eagle feeding ecology in the Maasai Mara, Kenya

126. Lameness induced behavioural changes in dairy cows: independent of time of day and temperature effect

Monitoring mammalian herbivores via convolutional neural networks implemented on thermal UAV imagery

Stress-induced loss of social resilience in honeybee colonies and its implications on fitness

Frank Van Langevelde Information



Professor The Netherlands



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Frank Van Langevelde Skills & Research Interests

Animal ecology

Movement ecology

Population biology

Adaptive consumer-resource interactions

Top articles of Frank Van Langevelde

Effects of mineral addition on the establishment of grazing lawns in a nutrient poor savanna



Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Influence of tree cover on carcass detection and consumption by facultative vertebrate scavengers

Ecology and Evolution


Henk Siepel
Henk Siepel

H-Index: 17

Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Behaviours of honeybees can reduce the probability of deformed wing virus outbreaks in Varroa destructor-infested colonies

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Comparing daily, circalunar and seasonal activity patterns of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus in response to livestock presence in Botswana

Wildlife Biology


Femke Broekhuis
Femke Broekhuis

H-Index: 14

Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Africa's overlooked top predator: Towards a better understanding of martial eagle feeding ecology in the Maasai Mara, Kenya

Wildlife Biology


Ralph Buij
Ralph Buij

H-Index: 15

Peter Njoroge
Peter Njoroge

H-Index: 1

Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

126. Lameness induced behavioural changes in dairy cows: independent of time of day and temperature effect

Animal-science proceedings


Monitoring mammalian herbivores via convolutional neural networks implemented on thermal UAV imagery

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture


João Valente
João Valente

H-Index: 13

Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Stress-induced loss of social resilience in honeybee colonies and its implications on fitness

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Coby Van Dooremalen
Coby Van Dooremalen

H-Index: 12

Animal group size variation in a minimal attraction-repulsion agent-based model



Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Protected area establishment in Southern and Eastern Africa: Consequences for management today



Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Nutrient addition on grazing lawns and selection by free-roaming mammalian herbivores in a nutrient poor savanna



Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Provisioning polyethylene glycol (PEG) to large herbivores in nutrient poor savannas can break food limitation



Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Leakage of Nutrients Into The Soil Due to Carrion Decomposition Can Enhance Plant Growth

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Diet-specific responses of skull traits to aridity gradients in bovids and cervids

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

African endemic stingless bees as an efficient alternative pollinator to honey bees in greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L)

Journal of Apicultural Research


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Effects of native and invasive grasses on the survival and growth of tree seedlings in a neotropical savanna

Biological Invasions


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Pedro Diniz
Pedro Diniz

H-Index: 8

Climate change, host plant availability, and irrigation shape future region‐specific distributions of the Sitobion grain aphid complex

Pest Management Science


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Erratum to “Context-dependent responses of naïve ungulates to wolf-sound playback in a human-dominated landscape”[Animal Behaviour, 185 (2022), 9–20]

Animal Behaviour


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Seasonal variation in prey preference, diet partitioning and niche breadth in a rich large carnivore guild

African Journal of Ecology


Frank Van Langevelde
Frank Van Langevelde

H-Index: 32

Data from: Population recovery and occurrence of the endemic Rhine sculpin (Cottus rhenanus)


See List of Professors in Frank Van Langevelde University(Wageningen Universiteit)