Francisco Scaglia Linhares

About Francisco Scaglia Linhares

Francisco Scaglia Linhares, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 11 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, specializes in the field of Genética e desenvolvimento molecular vegetal.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Integrated Ca, Mg, Cu, and Zn supply upregulates leaf anatomy and metabolic adjustments in Eucalyptus seedlings

Optimizing foliar N‐fertilization in sugarcane depends on plant genotype and nitrogen concentration

Unfolding the Dynamics of Mineral Nutrients and Major Storage Protein Fractions during Soybean Seed Development

Seed treatment, leaf spraying or soil fertilization? Integration of Ni application methods increases the efficiency of biological N2-fixation, N metabolism and soybean yield

Effect of selenium and soil pH on cadmium phytoextraction by Urochloa decumbens grown in Oxisol

Optimizing foliar N-fertilization in sugarcane depends on plant genotype and nitrogen concentration

Microprobe-XRF assessment of nutrient distribution in soybean, cowpea, and kidney bean seeds: A Fabaceae family case study

Author Correction: Leaf 13C and 15N composition shedding light on easing drought stress through partial K substitution by Na in eucalyptus species

Francisco Scaglia Linhares Information



Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura -



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Francisco Scaglia Linhares Skills & Research Interests

Genética e desenvolvimento molecular vegetal

Top articles of Francisco Scaglia Linhares

Integrated Ca, Mg, Cu, and Zn supply upregulates leaf anatomy and metabolic adjustments in Eucalyptus seedlings

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry


Optimizing foliar N‐fertilization in sugarcane depends on plant genotype and nitrogen concentration

Physiologia Plantarum


Renata Alcarde Sermarini
Renata Alcarde Sermarini

H-Index: 6

Francisco Scaglia Linhares
Francisco Scaglia Linhares

H-Index: 8

Unfolding the Dynamics of Mineral Nutrients and Major Storage Protein Fractions during Soybean Seed Development

ACS Agricultural Science & Technology


Seed treatment, leaf spraying or soil fertilization? Integration of Ni application methods increases the efficiency of biological N2-fixation, N metabolism and soybean yield


Francisco Scaglia Linhares
Francisco Scaglia Linhares

H-Index: 8

Edemar Moro
Edemar Moro

H-Index: 8

Cid Naudi Silva Campos
Cid Naudi Silva Campos

H-Index: 8

Effect of selenium and soil pH on cadmium phytoextraction by Urochloa decumbens grown in Oxisol

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Optimizing foliar N-fertilization in sugarcane depends on plant genotype and nitrogen concentration

Physiologia Plantarum


Renata Alcarde Sermarini
Renata Alcarde Sermarini

H-Index: 6

Francisco Scaglia Linhares
Francisco Scaglia Linhares

H-Index: 8

Microprobe-XRF assessment of nutrient distribution in soybean, cowpea, and kidney bean seeds: A Fabaceae family case study

ACS Agricultural Science & Technology


Author Correction: Leaf 13C and 15N composition shedding light on easing drought stress through partial K substitution by Na in eucalyptus species

Scientific Reports


Francisco Scaglia Linhares
Francisco Scaglia Linhares

H-Index: 8

Ricardo Antunes Azevedo
Ricardo Antunes Azevedo

H-Index: 39

Leaf 13C and 15N composition shedding light on easing drought stress through partial K substitution by Na in eucalyptus species

Scientific Reports


Francisco Scaglia Linhares
Francisco Scaglia Linhares

H-Index: 8

Ricardo Antunes Azevedo
Ricardo Antunes Azevedo

H-Index: 39

Unraveling the mechanisms controlling Cd accumulation and Cd‐tolerance in Brachiaria decumbens and Panicum maximum under summer and winter weather …

Physiologia Plantarum


Aluminum-induced toxicity in Urochloa brizantha genotypes: a first glance into root Al-apoplastic and-symplastic compartmentation, Al-translocation and antioxidant performance



See List of Professors in Francisco Scaglia Linhares University(Universidade de São Paulo)