Florence Jusot

About Florence Jusot

Florence Jusot, With an exceptional h-index of 37 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université Paris-Dauphine, specializes in the field of health economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Do smoking abstinence periods among pregnant smokers improve birth weight? A secondary analysis of a randomised, controlled trial

Risk, time preferences, trustworthiness and COVID-19 preventive behavior: Evidence from France

Accès géographique et financier aux Ehpad: évaluer l’équité des politiques de soutien à l’autonomie en contexte de décentralisation

How did unmet care needs during the pandemic affect health outcomes of older European individuals?

Les enjeux éthiques soulevés par les biothérapies

4 Inequality of opportunity in the risk of suffering from persistent symptoms of COVID-19

3 The impact of unmet health care needs on self-assessed health and functional limitations during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic

Pour une compréhension de la santé numérique et des infrastructures de données de santé par les sciences humaines et sociales

Florence Jusot Information



professeur de sciences économiques



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Florence Jusot Skills & Research Interests

health economics

Top articles of Florence Jusot

Do smoking abstinence periods among pregnant smokers improve birth weight? A secondary analysis of a randomised, controlled trial

BMJ open


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Risk, time preferences, trustworthiness and COVID-19 preventive behavior: Evidence from France

The European Journal of Health Economics


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Accès géographique et financier aux Ehpad: évaluer l’équité des politiques de soutien à l’autonomie en contexte de décentralisation


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

How did unmet care needs during the pandemic affect health outcomes of older European individuals?

Economics & Human Biology


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Les enjeux éthiques soulevés par les biothérapies

Annales des Mines-Réalités industrielles


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

4 Inequality of opportunity in the risk of suffering from persistent symptoms of COVID-19

Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

3 The impact of unmet health care needs on self-assessed health and functional limitations during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic

Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Pour une compréhension de la santé numérique et des infrastructures de données de santé par les sciences humaines et sociales


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Association between pain and mental health among undocumented immigrants in France


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Long-term care insurance decisions: A theoretical and experimental investigation


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Les conditions de vie, de santé, et d'accès aux soins des plus de 50 ans durant la pandémie de Covid-19 en France


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Beliefs, risk and time preferences and Covid-19 preventive behavior: evidence from French seniors

Revue economique


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures: First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2


Croyances, préférences face au risque et au temps et comportements de prévention contre le COVID-19 des séniors en France

Revue économique


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Just a question of time? Explaining non-take-up of a public health insurance program designed for undocumented immigrants living in France

Health Economics, Policy and Law


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

How Does Disability Affect Incomes? An Empirical Study on Older European Workers


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Burden of infectious diseases among undocumented migrants in France: results of the Premiers Pas survey

Frontiers in Public Health


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Higher risk, higher protection: COVID-19 risk among immigrants in France—results from the population-based EpiCov survey

European Journal of public health


When lack of trust in the government and in scientists reinforces social inequalities in vaccination against COVID-19

Frontiers in public health


Florence Jusot
Florence Jusot

H-Index: 23

Social isolation among older adults in the time of COVID-19: A gender perspective

Frontiers in Public Health


See List of Professors in Florence Jusot University(Université Paris-Dauphine)