Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

About Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

Fatma Ceren Sarioglu, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of pediatric radiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

HSV-1 Encephalitis Presenting with Diplopia: Effects of Infection or Autoimmunity?

Thorax Computed Tomography Imaging and Chest X-Rays Results in Children with Different Clinical-Stages of COVID-19.

Diagnosis of central nervous system abnormalities: comparison of prenatal neurosonography and foetal magnetic resonance imaging findings

The role of MRI-based texture analysis to predict the severity of brain injury in neonates with perinatal asphyxia

Clot-based radiomics features predict first pass effect in acute ischemic stroke

Heterogeneity of PNPT1 neuroimaging: mitochondriopathy, interferonopathy or both?

Konjenital üriner anomalilerde görüntüleme

The Role of Fetal MRI-based Texture Analysis in Differentiating Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation and Pulmonary Sequestration.

Fatma Ceren Sarioglu Information



Faculty of Medicine Department of Radiology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Fatma Ceren Sarioglu Skills & Research Interests

pediatric radiology

Top articles of Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

HSV-1 Encephalitis Presenting with Diplopia: Effects of Infection or Autoimmunity?

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

Thorax Computed Tomography Imaging and Chest X-Rays Results in Children with Different Clinical-Stages of COVID-19.

Journal of Pediatric Infection/Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi


Diagnosis of central nervous system abnormalities: comparison of prenatal neurosonography and foetal magnetic resonance imaging findings

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

The role of MRI-based texture analysis to predict the severity of brain injury in neonates with perinatal asphyxia

The British Journal of Radiology


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

Clot-based radiomics features predict first pass effect in acute ischemic stroke

Interventional Neuroradiology


Heterogeneity of PNPT1 neuroimaging: mitochondriopathy, interferonopathy or both?

Journal of medical genetics


Pelin Teke Kisa
Pelin Teke Kisa

H-Index: 2

Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

Konjenital üriner anomalilerde görüntüleme


The Role of Fetal MRI-based Texture Analysis in Differentiating Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation and Pulmonary Sequestration.

Journal of Pediatric Research


Ultrasound‐guided hydrostatic enema reduction of intussusception and confirmation with single abdominal radiograph in children

Journal of Clinical Ultrasound


Transfontanel US ve Hipoksik İskemik Ensefalopati


The role of the fetal MRI to predict the postnatal survival in fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Izmir Dr Behcet Uz Cocuk Hastanesi Dergisi


Lung density analysis using quantitative computed tomography in children with pectus excavatum

Polish Journal of Radiology


Evaluation of the relationship between cranial magnetic resonance imaging findings andclinical status in children with cerebral palsy

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences


Altered regional grey matter volume and appetite-related hormone levels in adolescent obesity with or without binge-eating disorder

Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

Ayhan Abaci
Ayhan Abaci

H-Index: 17

Unexpected cause and successful management of typical urinary tract infection symptoms: Questions

Pediatric Nephrology


The relationship between the third window abnormalities and inner ear malformations in children with hearing loss

The Journal of International Advanced Otology


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

Asli Cakir Cetin
Asli Cakir Cetin

H-Index: 4

The role of CT texture analysis in predicting the clinical outcomes of acute ischemic stroke patients undergoing mechanical thrombectomy

European radiology


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

A rare case series of central nervous system cystic echinococcosis

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

Hipofiz Yetmezliğinin Nadir Bir Nedeni: Hipofiz Sapı Kesinti Sendromu Ve Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme Bulguları

Forbes Tıp Dergisi


Neuroimaging and calvarial findings in achondroplasia


Fatma Ceren Sarioglu
Fatma Ceren Sarioglu

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Fatma Ceren Sarioglu University(Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi)