Fatemeh nili

About Fatemeh nili

Fatemeh nili, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of surgical pathology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

IgM nephropathy in a patient with dermatomyositis following COVID‐19 vaccination: A case report

Evaluation of changes in hsa-miR-142-5p and MAP9 gene expression in human papillomavirus-infected cervical cancer tissues

Adult Uterine Wilm’s Tumor Miss-interpreted as" Carcinosarcoma," a case report

The expression analysis of human endogenous retrovirus‐K Env, Np9, and Rec transcripts in cervical cancer

Prevalence and Pattern of GATA3 Immunohistochemical Expression in Female Genital Tract Adenocarcinomas

Evaluation of C4d expression and staining patterns by immunohistochemistry in renal biopsy samples with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and minimal change disease

Interplay of miR-542, miR-126, miR-143 and miR-26b withPI3K-AKT is a diagnostic signal and putative regulatory target in HPV-Positive Cervical Cancer

Evaluation of immunohistochemical markers CD44 and PAX8 in diagnosis of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis suspected cases and its differentiation from Minimal Change disease …

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Fatemeh nili Skills & Research Interests

surgical pathology

Top articles of Fatemeh nili

IgM nephropathy in a patient with dermatomyositis following COVID‐19 vaccination: A case report

International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases


Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Evaluation of changes in hsa-miR-142-5p and MAP9 gene expression in human papillomavirus-infected cervical cancer tissues

Journal of Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences


Adult Uterine Wilm’s Tumor Miss-interpreted as" Carcinosarcoma," a case report


Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Elham Mirzaian
Elham Mirzaian

H-Index: 1

The expression analysis of human endogenous retrovirus‐K Env, Np9, and Rec transcripts in cervical cancer

Journal of Medical Virology


Mohammad Farahmand
Mohammad Farahmand

H-Index: 7

Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Prevalence and Pattern of GATA3 Immunohistochemical Expression in Female Genital Tract Adenocarcinomas

Iranian Journal of Pathology


Elham Mirzaian
Elham Mirzaian

H-Index: 1

Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Evaluation of C4d expression and staining patterns by immunohistochemistry in renal biopsy samples with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and minimal change disease

Annals of Diagnostic Pathology


Interplay of miR-542, miR-126, miR-143 and miR-26b withPI3K-AKT is a diagnostic signal and putative regulatory target in HPV-Positive Cervical Cancer


Evaluation of immunohistochemical markers CD44 and PAX8 in diagnosis of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis suspected cases and its differentiation from Minimal Change disease …


MRI Prediction Model for Anatomical Site Identification in Uterine Carcinoma: Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy and Treatment Planning



Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Zahra Mahboubi-Fooladi
Zahra Mahboubi-Fooladi

H-Index: 2

Clinicopathological Features of Hereditary Nephritis in the Iranian Population: Analysis of a 14-Year Survey in Kidney Biopsies From a Large Referral Center

Archives of Iranian Medicine


HER-2 overexpression in female genital tract clear cell carcinomas: Evaluation of different scoring guidelines, clinicopathological features and prognostic impact

Annals of Diagnostic Pathology


Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

A Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipient with Nephrotic Syndrome and Immune Complex Deposits in Tubular Basement Membrane: A Rare Case Report.

Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases


Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Spectrum and Distribution of Biopsy-proven Kidney Diseases: A 12-year Survey of a Single Center in Iran

Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation


Characterization of immune checkpoints expression and lymphocyte densities of iranian breast cancer patients; the co-expression status and clinicopathological associates

BMC cancer


Sphingosine phosphate lyase insufficiency syndrome: a systematic review


Alport syndrome misdiagnosed with IgA nephropathy from familial history: a case report and brief review


Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Utility of AMACR immunohistochemical staining in differentiating Arias-Stella reaction from clear cell carcinoma of ovary and endometrium

BMC cancer


Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

Diverse Expression Patterns of EBV Oncogenes (LMP2A, EBV-Encoded microRNA, and EBV-encoded dUTPase) in EBV Associated Gastric Carcinoma and their Association with Viral Loads

Archives of Razi Institute


Pathogenic role of Twist-1 protein in hydatidiform molar pregnancies and investigation of its potential diagnostic utility in complete moles

Diagnostic Pathology


Behnaz Jahanbin
Behnaz Jahanbin

H-Index: 4

Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

The impact of lymphovascular space invasion on survival in early stage low-grade endometrioid endometrial cancer

European Journal of Medical Research


Setare Akhavan
Setare Akhavan

H-Index: 4

Fatemeh Nili
Fatemeh Nili

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Fatemeh nili University(Tehran University of Medical Sciences)