Enver Ever

About Enver Ever

Enver Ever, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of Computer Networks, Internet of Things, Performance Evaluation, Machine Learning Applications.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An analytical approach for modelling unmanned aerial vehicles and base station interaction for disaster recovery scenarios

Two-Dimensional Models of Markov Processes for System Availability

Prediction of punching shear strength of slab-column connections: A comprehensive evaluation of machine learning and deep learning based approaches

Real-Time Human Activity Recognition Using Dimensionality Reduction in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

A smart e-health framework for monitoring the health of the elderly and disabled

Designing Efficient and Lightweight Deep Learning Models for Healthcare Analysis

Availability evaluation of IoT systems with Byzantine fault-tolerance for mission-critical applications

Availability model for Byzantine fault-tolerant systems

Enver Ever Information



Associate Professor Computer Engineering Northern Cyprus Campus



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Enver Ever Skills & Research Interests

Computer Networks

Internet of Things

Performance Evaluation

Machine Learning Applications

Top articles of Enver Ever

An analytical approach for modelling unmanned aerial vehicles and base station interaction for disaster recovery scenarios

Wireless Networks


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Two-Dimensional Models of Markov Processes for System Availability


Orhan Gemikonakli
Orhan Gemikonakli

H-Index: 14

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Prediction of punching shear strength of slab-column connections: A comprehensive evaluation of machine learning and deep learning based approaches

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Real-Time Human Activity Recognition Using Dimensionality Reduction in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks


Adnan Yazici
Adnan Yazici

H-Index: 18

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

A smart e-health framework for monitoring the health of the elderly and disabled

Internet of Things


Designing Efficient and Lightweight Deep Learning Models for Healthcare Analysis

Neural Processing Letters


Availability evaluation of IoT systems with Byzantine fault-tolerance for mission-critical applications

Internet of Things


Orhan Gemikonakli
Orhan Gemikonakli

H-Index: 14

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Availability model for Byzantine fault-tolerant systems


Orhan Gemikonakli
Orhan Gemikonakli

H-Index: 14

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Critical Analysis of Validation Methods for Machine Learning Models Used in E-health Applications


Adnan Yazici
Adnan Yazici

H-Index: 18

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

An effective forest fire detection framework using heterogeneous wireless multimedia sensor networks

ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)


Aiming for smart wind energy: A comparison analysis between wind speed forecasting techniques

Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Murat Fahrioglu
Murat Fahrioglu

H-Index: 14

Federated Learning with Support of HetNets, Cloud Computing, and Edge Computing


Altan Koçyiğit
Altan Koçyiğit

H-Index: 10

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Effective Use of Low Power Heterogeneous Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks for Surveillance Applications Using IEEE 802.15. 4 Protocol


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Adnan Yazici
Adnan Yazici

H-Index: 18

Activity recognition and anomaly detection in E-health applications using color-coded representation and lightweight CNN architectures

IEEE Sensors Journal


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Adnan Yazici
Adnan Yazici

H-Index: 18

Use of neural network based prediction algorithms for powering up smart portable accessories

Neural Processing Letters


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Canras Batunlu
Canras Batunlu

H-Index: 7

Modelling heterogeneous future wireless cellular networks: An analytical study for interaction of 5G femtocells and macro-cells

Future Generation Computer Systems


Orhan Gemikonakli
Orhan Gemikonakli

H-Index: 14

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Exploring Activity Transitions in the STA-based Activity Recognition


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Performance evaluation of hybrid disaster recovery framework with D2D communications

Computer Communications


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Adnan Yazici
Adnan Yazici

H-Index: 18

A survey study on MAC and routing protocols to facilitate energy efficient and effective UAV-based communication systems


Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

Low Cost Smart House Implementation with Sensory Information Analysis and Face Recognition.


Adnan Yazici
Adnan Yazici

H-Index: 18

Enver Ever
Enver Ever

H-Index: 14

See List of Professors in Enver Ever University(Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi)

