Els Consuegra

About Els Consuegra

Els Consuegra, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, specializes in the field of Educational Sciences, Gender, Teacher Professional Development.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Dashboards en e-courses als ondersteuning voor onderwijsprofessionals bij datagebruik

First-Generation College Students’ Motives to Start University Education: An Investment in Self-Development, One’s Economic Prospects or to Become a Role Model?

Leraren opleiden voor culturele diversiteit: Hoe de theoriepraktijkkloof te dichten in de lerarenopleidingen in Brussel

In conversation with scientific experts: how data coaches and learning networks can support educators' data use

Samen bouwen aan de leerbrug tussen school en lerarenopleiding: Building the learning bridge between school and teacher education

Partners in leren in de strijd tegen het lerarentekort

How does instructional leadership influence opportunity to learn in mathematics? A comparative study of pathways for grade 4 students in the US and Belgium

De data coach in actie: een internationaal verkennend onderzoek naar de verschillende activiteiten, taken en rollen

Els Consuegra Information



Assistant professor ; Guest professor Universiteit Gent



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Els Consuegra Skills & Research Interests

Educational Sciences


Teacher Professional Development

Top articles of Els Consuegra

Dashboards en e-courses als ondersteuning voor onderwijsprofessionals bij datagebruik


First-Generation College Students’ Motives to Start University Education: An Investment in Self-Development, One’s Economic Prospects or to Become a Role Model?



Leraren opleiden voor culturele diversiteit: Hoe de theoriepraktijkkloof te dichten in de lerarenopleidingen in Brussel


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

In conversation with scientific experts: how data coaches and learning networks can support educators' data use


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

Samen bouwen aan de leerbrug tussen school en lerarenopleiding: Building the learning bridge between school and teacher education

Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Partners in leren in de strijd tegen het lerarentekort


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

How does instructional leadership influence opportunity to learn in mathematics? A comparative study of pathways for grade 4 students in the US and Belgium

Research in Comparative and International Education


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

De data coach in actie: een internationaal verkennend onderzoek naar de verschillende activiteiten, taken en rollen


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

The development of the role of a data coach: a needs assessment of different stakeholders in Flanders


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

In gesprek met internationale experten: hoe data coaches en lerende netwerken kunnen bijdragen tot datagebruik in scholen


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

The data coach in action: a systematic review regarding the different tasks, roles and activities


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

Creating inclusive classrooms in primary and secondary schools: From noticing to differentiated practices

Teaching and Teacher Education


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

Aandacht voor culturele diversiteit in de (leraren) opleiding


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Exploring student teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms in primary education

International Journal of Inclusive Education


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

The power of peers? Early adolescent gender typicality, peer relations, and gender role attitudes in Belgium

Gender issues


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Teacher beliefs, self-efficacy and professional vision: disentangling their relationship in the context of inclusive teaching

Journal of Curriculum Studies


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Sven De Maeyer
Sven De Maeyer

H-Index: 26

Effort and ability attributions as explanation for differences in study choice after failure: evidence from a hypothetical vignette study among first-entry bachelor students in …

European Journal of Psychology of Education


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Good things come to those who wait: The importance of professional development for the implementation of differentiated instruction

Frontiers in Education


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

Differentiated instruction in practice: do teachers walk the talk?

Pedagogische Studiën


Predicting adolescent gender role attitudes: Socio-demographic characteristics, family context, and school peer gender culture

Tijdschrift voor genderstudies


Els Consuegra
Els Consuegra

H-Index: 8

Katrien Struyven
Katrien Struyven

H-Index: 32

See List of Professors in Els Consuegra University(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)