Elisabetta Boaretto

About Elisabetta Boaretto

Elisabetta Boaretto, With an exceptional h-index of 55 and a recent h-index of 38 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Weizmann Institute of Science, specializes in the field of Archaeological Science.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Peptidomics Method for Assessing Sex from Modern and Ancient Bovine Tooth Enamel.

14C Chronology of Tell el-'Orēme (Tel Kinrot)

The mosaic tesserae in the industrial Byzantine wine press, Yavne, Israel: A natural unusually hard chalk or a chemically transformed chalk?

Radiocarbon chronology of Iron Age Jerusalem reveals calibration offsets and architectural developments

The Early Upper paleolithic deposit of Mughr el-Hamamah (Jordan): Archaeobotanical taphonomy and site formation processes

Multi-proxy analysis for deciphering the Holocene record and mass transport processes at the Dor Disturbance in the Southeastern Mediterranean continental slope

Intra-site variability–Analysis, characterization, and cultural affiliation of the Upper Paleolithic sequence of Manot Cave (western Galilee, Israel)

Sub-annual bomb radiocarbon records from trees in northern Israel

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Elisabetta Boaretto Skills & Research Interests

Archaeological Science

Top articles of Elisabetta Boaretto

A Peptidomics Method for Assessing Sex from Modern and Ancient Bovine Tooth Enamel.


Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

14C Chronology of Tell el-'Orēme (Tel Kinrot)

Kinneret II; vol. 1: The Bronze Age, Iron Age II, Post-Iron Age periods and other studies


Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Wolfgang Zwickel
Wolfgang Zwickel

H-Index: 11

The mosaic tesserae in the industrial Byzantine wine press, Yavne, Israel: A natural unusually hard chalk or a chemically transformed chalk?

Journal of Archaeological Science


Radiocarbon chronology of Iron Age Jerusalem reveals calibration offsets and architectural developments

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


David M Brown
David M Brown

H-Index: 28

Lior Regev
Lior Regev

H-Index: 15

Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

The Early Upper paleolithic deposit of Mughr el-Hamamah (Jordan): Archaeobotanical taphonomy and site formation processes

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports


Eleni Asouti
Eleni Asouti

H-Index: 20

Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Multi-proxy analysis for deciphering the Holocene record and mass transport processes at the Dor Disturbance in the Southeastern Mediterranean continental slope


Yizhaq Makovsky
Yizhaq Makovsky

H-Index: 16

Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Intra-site variability–Analysis, characterization, and cultural affiliation of the Upper Paleolithic sequence of Manot Cave (western Galilee, Israel)

Archaeological Research in Asia


Sub-annual bomb radiocarbon records from trees in northern Israel

Scientific Reports


Lior Regev
Lior Regev

H-Index: 15

Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Micro-contextual characterization of pyrogenic aragonite diagenesis in archaeological ash: implications for radiocarbon dating of calcium carbonate in combustion features

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences


Three dimensional structures of the inner and outer pig petrous bone using FIB-SEM: Implications for development and ancient DNA preservation

Journal of Structural Biology


Archaeobotany of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel (Israel): insights into plant exploitation along the Natufian sequence

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany


Antiquity Validation by Amelogenin Peptidomics Profile: Sex Determination in an Ascetic Burial


Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Crystallinity assessment of anthropogenic calcites using Raman micro-spectroscopy

Scientific Reports


Iddo Pinkas
Iddo Pinkas

H-Index: 17

Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Living in an ecotone: Late Middle Palaeolithic occupations in the lower Besor Basin, north-western Negev Desert, Israel



Calibration of Multiple Tree-Ring Blocks and its Implication on the Debate of Minoan Eruption of Santorini around 17TH–16TH Century Bce



Lior Regev
Lior Regev

H-Index: 15

Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Distal tephra reveal new MIS 5e Kos eruptions: Implications for the chronology and volcanic evolution histories in the Eastern Mediterranean region


Early Upper Paleolithic cultural variability in the Southern Levant: New evidence from Nahal Rahaf 2 Rockshelter, Judean Desert, Israel

Journal of Human Evolution


Innovative technological practices and their role in the emergence of Initial Upper Paleolithic technologies: a view from Boker Tachtit

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology


Elisabetta Boaretto
Elisabetta Boaretto

H-Index: 34

Ancient DNA from a lost Negev Highlands desert grape reveals a Late Antiquity wine lineage

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


The utilization and extinction of Juniper trees from the Negev desert (Israel)-Data from a late 6th–5th millennia site of Har Harif

Journal of arid environments


See List of Professors in Elisabetta Boaretto University(Weizmann Institute of Science)