Ehsan Shakerzadeh

About Ehsan Shakerzadeh

Ehsan Shakerzadeh, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, specializes in the field of Computational Chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Understanding the Interaction Mechanism between the Epinephrine Neurotransmitter and Small Gold Nanoclusters (Aun; n = 6, 8, and 10): A Computational Insight

Gas-phase conformational analysis and vibrational signatures of diphenhydramine: Investigating the interplay with hydrochloride

A DFT study on the potential application of metal-encapsulated B12N12 nanocage for efficient removal of gemifloxacin in aqueous medium

Structural investigations on nickel substituted zinc magnesium ferrites nanoparticles formed via co-precipitation method

In silico investigation on sensing of tyramine by boron and silicon doped C60 fullerenes

Histamine sensing by boron and silicon doped C60 fullerenes: A first principles investigation

In silico investigation on interaction of small Ag6 nano-particle cluster with tyramine neurotransmitter

Structural and vibrational spectroscopic signature of a bio-relevant molecule:(E)-3-(2-(4-methoxyphenyl) hydrazineylidene) chromane-2, 4-dione

Ehsan Shakerzadeh Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Ehsan Shakerzadeh Skills & Research Interests

Computational Chemistry

Top articles of Ehsan Shakerzadeh

Understanding the Interaction Mechanism between the Epinephrine Neurotransmitter and Small Gold Nanoclusters (Aun; n = 6, 8, and 10): A Computational Insight

ACS omega


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Amit Pathak
Amit Pathak

H-Index: 8

Gas-phase conformational analysis and vibrational signatures of diphenhydramine: Investigating the interplay with hydrochloride

Journal of Molecular Structure


A DFT study on the potential application of metal-encapsulated B12N12 nanocage for efficient removal of gemifloxacin in aqueous medium

Computational and Theoretical Chemistry


Structural investigations on nickel substituted zinc magnesium ferrites nanoparticles formed via co-precipitation method

Inorganic Chemistry Communications


Vijay Kumar Mishra
Vijay Kumar Mishra

H-Index: 2

Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

In silico investigation on sensing of tyramine by boron and silicon doped C60 fullerenes

Scientific Reports


Histamine sensing by boron and silicon doped C60 fullerenes: A first principles investigation

Diamond and Related Materials


In silico investigation on interaction of small Ag6 nano-particle cluster with tyramine neurotransmitter

Scientific Reports


Structural and vibrational spectroscopic signature of a bio-relevant molecule:(E)-3-(2-(4-methoxyphenyl) hydrazineylidene) chromane-2, 4-dione

Computational and Theoretical Chemistry


A quantum chemical perspective on the potential application of Fe-decorated C24N24 porous fullerene for catalytic ethylene epoxidation



Hosein Hamadi
Hosein Hamadi

H-Index: 8

Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Effect of global charge on stability and electronic properties of B36N36 cage and isomers

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures


Martin Salazar Villanueva
Martin Salazar Villanueva

H-Index: 12

Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Exploring the potential use of pristine and metal-encapsulated B36N36 fullerenes in delivery of β-lapachone anticancer drug: DFT approach



Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

A theoretical perspective on the adsorption performance of pristine and Metal-encapsulated B36N36 fullerenes toward the hydroxyurea and nitrosourea anticancer drugs

Inorganic Chemistry Communications


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Exploring the potential use of Fe-decorated B40 borospherene as a prospective catalyst for oxidation of methane to methanol

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling


Hosein Hamadi
Hosein Hamadi

H-Index: 8

Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Theoretical study of the application of decaborane nanobasket (B10H14) and its fluorinated derivatives as anode materials of Lithium-ion batteries: Density Functional Theory

Iranian Journal of Chemistry


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Boron clusters in biomedical applications: A theoretical viewpoint


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Elham Tahmasebi
Elham Tahmasebi

H-Index: 18

Pristine and alkali and alkaline earth metals encapsulated B36N36 nanoclusters as prospective delivery agents and detectors for 5‐fluorouracil anticancer drug

Applied Organometallic Chemistry


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Acetylsalicylic acid interaction with Boron nitride nanostructures–A density functional analysis

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

A comparative DFT study on prospective application of C24, Si12C12, B12N12, B12P12, Al12N12, and Al12P12 nanoclusters as suitable anode materials for magnesium-ion batteries (MIBs)

Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Zabiollah Mahdavifar
Zabiollah Mahdavifar

H-Index: 11

Endohedral M@B40 (M = Na and Ca) metalloborospherenes as innovative potential carriers for chemotherapy melphalan drug: A theoretical study

Applied Organometallic Chemistry


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

Efficient carriers for anticancer 5-fluorouracil drug based on the bare and M− encapsulated (M= Na and Ca) B40 fullerenes; in silico investigation

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Ehsan Shakerzadeh
Ehsan Shakerzadeh

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Ehsan Shakerzadeh University(Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz)

