Ebrahim Barzegari

About Ebrahim Barzegari

Ebrahim Barzegari, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Computational Biology, Machine Learning, Structural Bioinformatics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Investigation of affinity and interaction of fibrinogen with trehalose as a protein stabilize

Determining the potential targets of silybin by molecular docking and its antibacterial functions on efflux pumps and porins in uropathogenic E. coli

Identifying potent inhibitory phytocompounds from Lagerstroemia speciosa against SARS-Coronavirus-2: structure-based virtual screening

Simulation and practical investigation of carbonic anhydrase stability in an industrial solvent system of methyl diethanolamine for carbon dioxide capture

Investigating new inhibitors with potential advantages for combating HER2-overexpressing head and neck squamous cancer cells; a practical and virtual screening study

Screening and identification of critical Genes and Pathways Associated with Oxidative Stress in non-obstructive azoospermia patients: an integrative bioinformatics study

Insights on the conformation and appropriate drug-target sites on retinal IMPDH1 using the 604-aa isoform lacking the C-terminal extension

Outer membrane Proteins-focused Pseudomonas aeruginosa Vaccine Designed using Reverse Vaccinology

Ebrahim Barzegari Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ebrahim Barzegari Skills & Research Interests

Computational Biology

Machine Learning

Structural Bioinformatics

Top articles of Ebrahim Barzegari

Investigation of affinity and interaction of fibrinogen with trehalose as a protein stabilize

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Determining the potential targets of silybin by molecular docking and its antibacterial functions on efflux pumps and porins in uropathogenic E. coli

International Microbiology


Identifying potent inhibitory phytocompounds from Lagerstroemia speciosa against SARS-Coronavirus-2: structure-based virtual screening

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics


Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Simulation and practical investigation of carbonic anhydrase stability in an industrial solvent system of methyl diethanolamine for carbon dioxide capture

Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics


Investigating new inhibitors with potential advantages for combating HER2-overexpressing head and neck squamous cancer cells; a practical and virtual screening study


Screening and identification of critical Genes and Pathways Associated with Oxidative Stress in non-obstructive azoospermia patients: an integrative bioinformatics study


Kheirollah Yari
Kheirollah Yari

H-Index: 16

Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Insights on the conformation and appropriate drug-target sites on retinal IMPDH1 using the 604-aa isoform lacking the C-terminal extension

Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences


Outer membrane Proteins-focused Pseudomonas aeruginosa Vaccine Designed using Reverse Vaccinology

Iranian Journal of Medical Microbiology


The effect of chronic lithium treatment on hippocampal progenitor cells: Transcriptomic analysis and systems pharmacology

Brain and Behavior


Mina Jahandideh
Mina Jahandideh

H-Index: 6

Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Effects of Shallomin with Lopinavir/Ritonavir on clinical outcomes and mortality in COVID-19 patients: A randomised double-blind clinical trial study

Journal of Herbal Medicine


Gene cloning and characterization of a novel recombinant 40-kDa heat shock protein from Mesobacillus persicus B48

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology


Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Newton Howard
Newton Howard

H-Index: 20

Virtual screening of natural ligands from five resources to target Ralstonia solanacearum polygalacturonase and endoglucanase

3 Biotech


Faegheh Etminani
Faegheh Etminani

H-Index: 1

Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Tumor-targeted induction of intrinsic apoptosis in colon cancer cells by Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains

Molecular Biology Reports


Advanced simulations and screening to repurposing a 3C protease inhibitor against the rupintrivir-resistant human norovirus-induced gastroenteritis

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling


Abdolmajid Ghasemian
Abdolmajid Ghasemian

H-Index: 16

Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

In silico unraveling of molecular anti-neurodegenerative profile of Citrus medica flavonoids against novel pharmaceutical targets

Chemical Papers


Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Gentamycin rationally repositioned to inhibit miR-34a ameliorates oxidative injury to PC12 cells

ACS omega


Design of a novel multi-epitope vaccine candidate against hepatitis C virus using structural and nonstructural proteins: An immunoinformatics approach

Plos one


Efflux dynamics of the antiseizure drug, levetiracetam, through the P-glycoprotein channel revealed by advanced comparative molecular simulations

Scientific reports


Ebrahim Barzegari
Ebrahim Barzegari

H-Index: 10

Younes Ghasemi
Younes Ghasemi

H-Index: 41

TSGA10, a new player in regulating autophagy and apoptosis


Rational design of a new variant of Reteplase with optimized physicochemical profile and large-scale production in Escherichia coli

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology


See List of Professors in Ebrahim Barzegari University(Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences)

