Dean Hesterberg

Dean Hesterberg

North Carolina State University

H-index: 43

North America-United States

About Dean Hesterberg

Dean Hesterberg, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at North Carolina State University, specializes in the field of Soil Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Tissue-level distribution and speciation of foliar manganese in Eucalyptus tereticornis by µ-SXRF and µ-XANES shed light on its detoxification mechanisms

The CARNAÚBA X-ray nanospectroscopy beamline at the Sirius-LNLS synchrotron light source: Developments, commissioning, and first science at the TARUMÃ station

Micro-to Nano-scale Soil and Rhizosphere Processes Analyzed Using Multiple Beamlines at the Sirius Synchrotron

Monte Carlo simulations of synchrotron X-ray dose affecting root growth during in vivo tomographic imaging

Zinc speciation and desorption kinetics in a mining waste impacted tropical soil amended with phosphate

Coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) and micro-X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) chemical imaging of microaggregates from a tropical soil.

Development of a rhizomicrocosm for in-vivo, 4D microscale imaging of rhizosphere processes around an isolated root.

Micro-and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil

Dean Hesterberg Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Dean Hesterberg Skills & Research Interests

Soil Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Top articles of Dean Hesterberg

Tissue-level distribution and speciation of foliar manganese in Eucalyptus tereticornis by µ-SXRF and µ-XANES shed light on its detoxification mechanisms

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Paulo Mazzafera
Paulo Mazzafera

H-Index: 27

Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

The CARNAÚBA X-ray nanospectroscopy beamline at the Sirius-LNLS synchrotron light source: Developments, commissioning, and first science at the TARUMÃ station

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena


Rodrigo Szostak
Rodrigo Szostak

H-Index: 7

Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Micro-to Nano-scale Soil and Rhizosphere Processes Analyzed Using Multiple Beamlines at the Sirius Synchrotron


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Carlos Pérez
Carlos Pérez

H-Index: 1

Monte Carlo simulations of synchrotron X-ray dose affecting root growth during in vivo tomographic imaging

Scientific Reports


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Zinc speciation and desorption kinetics in a mining waste impacted tropical soil amended with phosphate

Science of The Total Environment


Coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) and micro-X-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) chemical imaging of microaggregates from a tropical soil.


Development of a rhizomicrocosm for in-vivo, 4D microscale imaging of rhizosphere processes around an isolated root.


Micro-and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil

2022 Goldschmidt Conference


Mechanisms of orthophosphate removal from water by lanthanum carbonate and other lanthanum-containing materials

Science of The Total Environment


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Spatial statistical modeling of arsenic accumulation in microsites of diverse soils



Montserrat Fuentes
Montserrat Fuentes

H-Index: 27

Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Development of a rhizomicrocosm for in-vivo, 4D imaging of rhizosphere processes around an isolated root.


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Pan American Light Sources for Agriculture (PALSA) International Conference:“Seeding” Agriculture Research in Synchrotron Facilities


X-ray microscopy developments at Sirius-LNLS: first commissioning experiments at the Carnauba beamline


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Optimizing pyrolysis conditions for recycling pig bones into phosphate fertilizer

Waste management


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Takashi Muraoka
Takashi Muraoka

H-Index: 21

Imaging Zn and Ni distributions in leaves of different ages of the hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens by synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

Microscale heterogeneous distribution and speciation of phosphorus in soils amended with mineral fertilizer and cattle manure compost



Synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy for assessing elements distribution and speciation in mangrove tree-rings

Results in Chemistry


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

DRAINMOD-P: A model for simulating phosphorus dynamics and transport in drained agricultural lands: II. Model testing

Transactions of the ASABE


DRAINMOD-P: Predicting surface and subsurface phosphorus losses from a drained agricultural field with desiccation cracks in northwest Ohio. II. Model testing

Transactions of the ASABE


Effects of exogenous citric acid on the concentration and spatial distribution of Ni, Zn, Co, Cr, Mn and Fe in leaves of Noccaea caerulescens grown on a serpentine soil

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Dean Hesterberg
Dean Hesterberg

H-Index: 29

See List of Professors in Dean Hesterberg University(North Carolina State University)