Daniele Picone

Daniele Picone

Grenoble INP

H-index: 5


About Daniele Picone

Daniele Picone, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Grenoble INP, specializes in the field of Image Processing, Remote sensing, Hyperspectral data.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Spectro-spatial hyperspectral image reconstruction from interferometric acquisitions

Reconstruction of Spectra from Interferometric Measurements (poster)

Implementation of hyperspectral inversion algorithms on FPGA: Hardware comparison using High Level Synthesis

Model-based demosaicking for acquisitions by a RGBW color filter array

Interferometer response characterization algorithm for multi-aperture Fabry-Perot imaging spectrometers

Model-based spectral reconstruction of interferometric acquisitions

Joint Demosaicing and Fusion of Multiresolution Coded Acquisitions: A Unified Image Formation and Reconstruction Method

Model-based demosaicking of sparse 3 color filter array acquisitions

Daniele Picone Information



PHD student, GIPSA-Lab



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Daniele Picone Skills & Research Interests

Image Processing

Remote sensing

Hyperspectral data

Top articles of Daniele Picone

Spectro-spatial hyperspectral image reconstruction from interferometric acquisitions


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Reconstruction of Spectra from Interferometric Measurements (poster)


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Implementation of hyperspectral inversion algorithms on FPGA: Hardware comparison using High Level Synthesis

arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01906


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Model-based demosaicking for acquisitions by a RGBW color filter array


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Interferometer response characterization algorithm for multi-aperture Fabry-Perot imaging spectrometers

Optics Express


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Model-based spectral reconstruction of interferometric acquisitions


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Joint Demosaicing and Fusion of Multiresolution Coded Acquisitions: A Unified Image Formation and Reconstruction Method

IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging


Model-based demosaicking of sparse 3 color filter array acquisitions


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Imspoc: A novel compact hyperspectral camera for the monitoring of atmospheric gases


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

No2 vertical column density estimation from interferograms captured by a snapshot interferometric imaging spectrometer

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Model based signal processing techniques for nonconventional optical imaging systems


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Using zenith observations for evaluation of an improved interferometric imaging spectrometer

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Sub-pixel mapping model based on total variation regularization and learned spatial dictionary

Remote Sensing


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Resolution enhancement of hyperspectral data exploiting real multi-platform data

Recent Advances in Image Restoration with Applications to Real World Problems


Sub-Pixel Mapping Method Based on K-SVD Dictionary Learning and Total Variation Minimization


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Sub-pixel Mapping Method based on Total Variation Minimization and Spectral Dictionary


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

Characterisation of a snapshot Fourier transform imaging spectrometer based on an array of Fabry-Perot interferometers


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

A new snapshot interferometric imaging spectrometer: a first comparison with a classical grating spectrometer.


Daniele Picone
Daniele Picone

H-Index: 4

Mauro Dalla Mura
Mauro Dalla Mura

H-Index: 33

See List of Professors in Daniele Picone University(Grenoble INP)