Daniel Frings

About Daniel Frings

Daniel Frings, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at London South Bank University, specializes in the field of Social Psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Doctors and nurses subjective predictions of 6-month outcome compared to actual 6-month outcome for adult patients with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) in …

Discrimination and social identity processes predict impairment and dysfunction among heavy drinkers

Protocol: Effectiveness of an online intervention for parents/guardians of children aged 4–7 years who are concerned about their child’s emotional and behavioural development …

When ingroup identities “clash”: The influence of beliefs about incompatibilities between being a Christian and a drinker affect motivation to change drinking behaviour

Related metacognitions, desire thinking and identity differentially predict compulsion and withdrawal symptoms in problematic Instagram use

Social exclusion and vigilantism toward criminal offenders as compensatory reactions to the perceived inefficacy of social control.

Trust in AI applications and intention to use them in cardiac care among cardiologists in the UK: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Effectiveness of an online intervention for parents/guardians of children aged 4–7 years who are concerned about their child’s emotional and behavioural development: protocol …

Daniel Frings Information



Professor of Social Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Daniel Frings Skills & Research Interests

Social Psychology

Top articles of Daniel Frings

Doctors and nurses subjective predictions of 6-month outcome compared to actual 6-month outcome for adult patients with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) in …



Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Louise Terry
Louise Terry

H-Index: 10

Discrimination and social identity processes predict impairment and dysfunction among heavy drinkers

Social Science & Medicine


Tegan Cruwys
Tegan Cruwys

H-Index: 33

Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Protocol: Effectiveness of an online intervention for parents/guardians of children aged 4–7 years who are concerned about their child’s emotional and behavioural development …

BMJ Open


When ingroup identities “clash”: The influence of beliefs about incompatibilities between being a Christian and a drinker affect motivation to change drinking behaviour

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology


Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Related metacognitions, desire thinking and identity differentially predict compulsion and withdrawal symptoms in problematic Instagram use

Addictive Behaviors


Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Social exclusion and vigilantism toward criminal offenders as compensatory reactions to the perceived inefficacy of social control.

Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology


Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Trust in AI applications and intention to use them in cardiac care among cardiologists in the UK: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach


Mahdi Mahdavi
Mahdi Mahdavi

H-Index: 1

Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Effectiveness of an online intervention for parents/guardians of children aged 4–7 years who are concerned about their child’s emotional and behavioural development: protocol …

BMJ open


Evaluating artificial intelligence driven stress echocardiography analysis system (EASE study): Work Package 3-Comparative Evaluation


Mahdi Mahdavi
Mahdi Mahdavi

H-Index: 1

Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Doing public health differently: How can public health departments engage with local communities through social media interventions?

Public Health in Practice


E‐cigarette support for smoking cessation: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in an on‐line randomized optimization experiment



Mobile Phone Text Messages to Support People to Stop Smoking by Switching to Vaping: Codevelopment, Coproduction, and Initial Testing Study

JMIR Formative Research


A pragmatic trial of an Artificial intelligence DRiven appOInTment maNagEment SyStem (ADROITNESS) in NHS outpatient departments: WP1 Accuracy-Phase 2A Evaluation Report


Eâ cigarette support for smoking cessation: Identifying the effectiveness of intervention components in an onâ line randomized optimization experiment


Public health messages during a global emergency through an online community: a discourse and sentiment analysis

Frontiers in Digital Health


Co-production of a mobile phone text message programme to support people to stop smoking by switching to vaping

JMIR Formative Research


Multiple Group Membership, Optimistic Bias, and Infection Risk in the Context of Emerging Infectious Diseases

European Journal of Health Psychology


Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Jane Wills
Jane Wills

H-Index: 27

Individual differences in selective attentional bias for healthy and unhealthy food-related stimuli and social identity as a vegan/vegetarian dissociate “healthy” and …



Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

Drunk discussions: the effect of alcohol and type of information on eyewitness recall


Would you believe an intoxicated witness? The impact of witness alcohol intoxication status on credibility judgments and suggestibility

Frontiers in Psychology


Julie Gawrylowicz
Julie Gawrylowicz

H-Index: 7

Daniel Frings
Daniel Frings

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Daniel Frings University(London South Bank University)

