Dana Olstad

Dana Olstad

University of Calgary

H-index: 29

North America-Canada

About Dana Olstad

Dana Olstad, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Calgary, specializes in the field of Nutrition, Obesity, Dietary patterns, Policy, Socioeconomic inequities.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The British Columbia Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program Reduces Short-Term Household Food Insecurity Among Adults With Low Incomes: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial

Food environment research in Canada: a rapid review of methodologies and measures deployed between 2010 and 2021

Examining gender differences in adolescent exposure to food and beverage marketing through go-along interviews

Exploring the prospective acceptability of a healthy food incentive program from the perspective of people with type 2 diabetes and experiences of household food insecurity in …

Protecting traditional cultural food practices: Trends in diet quality and intake of ultra-processed foods by Indigenous status and race/ethnicity among a nationally …

Cultural adaptations and Tailoring of public health nutrition interventions in indigenous peoples and ethnic minority groups: opportunities for Personalised and precision nutrition

Extending an antiracism lens to the implementation of precision public health interventions

Experiences and perceived outcomes of a grocery gift card programme for households at risk of food insecurity

Dana Olstad Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Dana Olstad Skills & Research Interests



Dietary patterns


Socioeconomic inequities

Top articles of Dana Olstad

The British Columbia Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program Reduces Short-Term Household Food Insecurity Among Adults With Low Incomes: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics


Food environment research in Canada: a rapid review of methodologies and measures deployed between 2010 and 2021


Examining gender differences in adolescent exposure to food and beverage marketing through go-along interviews



Exploring the prospective acceptability of a healthy food incentive program from the perspective of people with type 2 diabetes and experiences of household food insecurity in …

Public Health Nutrition


Protecting traditional cultural food practices: Trends in diet quality and intake of ultra-processed foods by Indigenous status and race/ethnicity among a nationally …

SSM-Population Health


Cultural adaptations and Tailoring of public health nutrition interventions in indigenous peoples and ethnic minority groups: opportunities for Personalised and precision nutrition


Extending an antiracism lens to the implementation of precision public health interventions

American Journal of Public Health


Experiences and perceived outcomes of a grocery gift card programme for households at risk of food insecurity

Public Health Nutrition


Construct validity and reliability of the Canadian Eating Practices Screener to assess eating practices based on 2019 Canada's Food Guide recommendations

Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism


Was it diffusion? Exploring the spread of daily physical activity policies in Canada

The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada


Development of the Canadian Eating Practices Screener to assess eating practices based on 2019 Canada's Food Guide recommendations


Social Policy Trends: Beyond the Food: Farmers' Markets, Subsidies, and Low-Income Families

The School of Public Policy Publications


Dana Olstad
Dana Olstad

H-Index: 21

Do food-related capabilities, opportunities and motivations of adolescents mediate the association between socioeconomic position in adolescence and diet quality in early …

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


Identifying factors that shape whether digital food marketing appeals to children

Public Health Nutrition


The contribution of modifiable risk factors to socioeconomic inequities in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality: a nationally representative population-based cohort study

Preventive Medicine


Towards effective restriction of unhealthy food marketing to children: unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


The impact of providing material benefits to improve access to food on clinical parameters, dietary intake, and household food insecurity in people with diabetes: a systematic …


The Canadian Food Intake Screener for assessing alignment of adults’ dietary intake with the 2019 Canada’s Food Guide healthy food choices recommendations: Scoring system and …

Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism


Development of the Canadian Food Intake Screener to assess alignment of adults’ dietary intake with the 2019 Canada's Food Guide healthy food choices recommendations

Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism


Impact of a farmers’ market healthy food subsidy on the diet quality of adults with low incomes in British Columbia, Canada: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


See List of Professors in Dana Olstad University(University of Calgary)