Damian Scarf

Damian Scarf

University of Otago

H-index: 31

Oceania-New Zealand

About Damian Scarf

Damian Scarf, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Otago, specializes in the field of Positive Youth Development, Comparative Cognition, Developmental Psychology, Behavioural Neuroscience.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

‘We’ll be okay together’: navigating challenges as queer university students in Aotearoa New Zealand

Psychological predictors of vaping uptake among non-smokers: A longitudinal investigation of New Zealand adults

How is substance use portrayed in digital media and what impacts can it have?

People underestimate the amount of alcohol in a video they just watched

Socio-demographic profile of medical students in Aotearoa, New Zealand (2016–2020): a nationwide cross-sectional study

FoMO predicts alcohol use and harms over and above the big five personality traits among university students

The buffering effects of right-wing authoritarianism on future anxiety: the mediating role of covid-19-related demoralization and perceived risk

Experimentally induced changes in authoritarian submission as a response to threat

Damian Scarf Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Damian Scarf Skills & Research Interests

Positive Youth Development

Comparative Cognition

Developmental Psychology

Behavioural Neuroscience

Top articles of Damian Scarf

‘We’ll be okay together’: navigating challenges as queer university students in Aotearoa New Zealand

Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online


Psychological predictors of vaping uptake among non-smokers: A longitudinal investigation of New Zealand adults

Drug and Alcohol Review


Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

Andre Mason
Andre Mason

H-Index: 1

How is substance use portrayed in digital media and what impacts can it have?

Drug and Alcohol Review


Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

Emmanuel Kuntsche
Emmanuel Kuntsche

H-Index: 45

People underestimate the amount of alcohol in a video they just watched

Journal of Substance Use


Socio-demographic profile of medical students in Aotearoa, New Zealand (2016–2020): a nationwide cross-sectional study

BMJ open


FoMO predicts alcohol use and harms over and above the big five personality traits among university students

Journal of Substance Use


The buffering effects of right-wing authoritarianism on future anxiety: the mediating role of covid-19-related demoralization and perceived risk


Experimentally induced changes in authoritarian submission as a response to threat

Scientific reports


Taylor Winter
Taylor Winter

H-Index: 6

Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

Police Ten 7 feeds racial stereotypes of Māori and Pasifika peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand


How Well Does Psychological Research in Aotearoa New Zealand Reflect Diversity?


Ottilie Stolte
Ottilie Stolte

H-Index: 15

Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

‘Is it worth potentially dealing with someone who won't get it?’: LGBTQA+ university students’ perspectives on mental health care

Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand


Effects of vaping on uptake and cessation of smoking: Longitudinal analysis in Aotearoa New Zealand adults

Drug and Alcohol Review


Curating a body-positive feed? An attempt to mitigate the negative impacts of thin-ideal content on Instagram

Body Image


Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

How far are we with Indigenising psychology training curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand?

The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online)


Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

Ottilie Stolte
Ottilie Stolte

H-Index: 15

Exposure to behavioral regularities in everyday life predicts infants’ acquisition of mental state vocabulary

Developmental Science


Ted Ruffman
Ted Ruffman

H-Index: 37

Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

The COVID Psychosocial Impacts Scale: A reliable and valid tool to examine the psychosocial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


High risk or risky highs: Understanding the links between alcohol and cannabis use on the transition from suicidal ideation to attempts in Australian men

Archives of suicide research


University students’ opinions towards mobile sensing data collection: A qualitative analysis

Frontiers in Digital Health


Systemic racism in clinical psychology: Symposia


Damian Scarf
Damian Scarf

H-Index: 20

National cross-sectional study of the sociodemographic characteristics of Aotearoa New Zealand’s regulated health workforce pre-registration students: a mirror on society?

BMJ open


See List of Professors in Damian Scarf University(University of Otago)

