Cristina Panti

About Cristina Panti

Cristina Panti, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Siena,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Degradation of plastic materials in the marine environment: A mussel farm as a case study for the development of alternative mussel nets

Paraffin waxes in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive assessment in the Pelagos Sanctuary, a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance

Spatial distribution and characteristics of plastic pollution in the salt marshes of Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina

Exposure to virgin and marine incubated microparticles of biodegradable and conventional polymers modulates the hepatopancreas transcriptome of Mytilus galloprovincialis

Microplastics in water surface and in the gastrointestinal tract of target marine organisms in Salento coastal seas (Italy, Southern Puglia)

Oceanographic and anthropogenic variables driving marine litter distribution in Mediterranean protected areas: Extensive field data supported by forecasting modelling

Monitoring the composition, sources and spatial distribution of seafloor litter in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) through Fishing for Litter initiatives

Monk seal faeces as a non-invasive technique to monitor the incidence of ingested microplastics and potential presence of plastic additives

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Top articles of Cristina Panti

Degradation of plastic materials in the marine environment: A mussel farm as a case study for the development of alternative mussel nets

Journal of Cleaner Production


Paraffin waxes in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive assessment in the Pelagos Sanctuary, a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Spatial distribution and characteristics of plastic pollution in the salt marshes of Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina

Science of The Total Environment


Exposure to virgin and marine incubated microparticles of biodegradable and conventional polymers modulates the hepatopancreas transcriptome of Mytilus galloprovincialis

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Microplastics in water surface and in the gastrointestinal tract of target marine organisms in Salento coastal seas (Italy, Southern Puglia)

Environmental Pollution


Oceanographic and anthropogenic variables driving marine litter distribution in Mediterranean protected areas: Extensive field data supported by forecasting modelling

Science of the Total Environment


Monitoring the composition, sources and spatial distribution of seafloor litter in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) through Fishing for Litter initiatives

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Monk seal faeces as a non-invasive technique to monitor the incidence of ingested microplastics and potential presence of plastic additives

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Anthropogenic fibers and microplastics in the pelagic gooseneck barnacle Lepas (Lepas) anatifera in Capo Milazzo Marine Protected Area (Tyrrhenian Sea): A first characterization

Ecological Indicators


Cristina Panti
Cristina Panti

H-Index: 20

Microplastic occurrence and phthalate ester levels in neuston samples and skin biopsies of filter-feeding megafauna from La Paz Bay (Mexico)

Marine Pollution Bulletin


Trophic niche influences ingestion of micro-and mesoplastics in pelagic and demersal fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea

Environmental Pollution


Ecotoxicological Impacts of Micro (Nano) plastics in the Environment: Biotic and Abiotic Interactions


Detection of anthropogenic fibres in marine organisms: Knowledge gaps and methodological issues


Sorbed environmental contaminants increase the harmful effects of microplastics in adult zebrafish, Danio rerio

Aquatic Toxicology


Establishment of killer whale (Orcinus orca) primary fibroblast cell cultures and their transcriptomic responses to pollutant exposure

Environment International


Cristina Panti
Cristina Panti

H-Index: 20

Fekadu Yadetie
Fekadu Yadetie

H-Index: 11

Chemical pollution and ecotoxicological effects of high-density polyethylene microplastics in Mytilus galloprovincialis from two Italian lagoon ecosystems

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology


Maria Cristina Fossi
Maria Cristina Fossi

H-Index: 28

Cristina Panti
Cristina Panti

H-Index: 20

Gradients of variation in the at-vessel mortality rate between twelve species of sharks and skates sampled through a fishery-independent Trawl Survey in the Asinara Gulf (NW …



Impact of marine debris on marine ecosystems and organisms

Frontiers in Marine Science


Cristina Panti
Cristina Panti

H-Index: 20

Evaluation of the Exposure of the Mediterranean Biodiversity to Marine litter: the ASI-Plastic Busters MPAs Projects Connection

Frontiers in Marine Science


Cristina Panti
Cristina Panti

H-Index: 20

Maria Cristina Fossi
Maria Cristina Fossi

H-Index: 28

ACCOBAMS BEST PRACTICES ON CETACEAN POPULATION GENETICS Version 1, October 2022 (Report of the eight meeting to the partners to ACCOBAMS; Nov-29 to Dec-2nd, 2022, Malta)


See List of Professors in Cristina Panti University(Università degli Studi di Siena)