Cory Searcy

Cory Searcy

Ryerson University

H-index: 56

North America-Canada

About Cory Searcy

Cory Searcy, With an exceptional h-index of 56 and a recent h-index of 44 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ryerson University, specializes in the field of Sustainable Supply Chains, Sustainability Indicators, Sustainability Reporting.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Learning and forgetting interactions within a collaborative human-centric manufacturing network

Integrating sustainability with corporate governance: a framework to implement the corporate sustainability reporting directive through a balanced scorecard

Examining the role of urban-industrial symbiosis in the circular economy: an approach based on N-Force field theory of change and N-ISM-Micmac

ESG and Industry 5.0: The role of technologies in enhancing ESG disclosure

How to sharpen our discourse on corporate sustainability and business ethics—A view from the section editors

Dynamic deployment of energy symbiosis networks integrated with organic Rankine cycle systems

Credibility-based cascading approach to achieve net-zero emissions in energy symbiosis networks using an Organic Rankine Cycle

Leveraging blockchain in response to a pandemic through disaster risk management: an IF-MCDM framework

Cory Searcy Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Cory Searcy Skills & Research Interests

Sustainable Supply Chains

Sustainability Indicators

Sustainability Reporting

Top articles of Cory Searcy

Learning and forgetting interactions within a collaborative human-centric manufacturing network

European Journal of Operational Research


Integrating sustainability with corporate governance: a framework to implement the corporate sustainability reporting directive through a balanced scorecard

Management Decision


Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Examining the role of urban-industrial symbiosis in the circular economy: an approach based on N-Force field theory of change and N-ISM-Micmac


Iskender Peker
Iskender Peker

H-Index: 9

Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

ESG and Industry 5.0: The role of technologies in enhancing ESG disclosure

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


How to sharpen our discourse on corporate sustainability and business ethics—A view from the section editors

Journal of Business Ethics


Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Dynamic deployment of energy symbiosis networks integrated with organic Rankine cycle systems


Mohammad Asghari
Mohammad Asghari

H-Index: 5

Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Credibility-based cascading approach to achieve net-zero emissions in energy symbiosis networks using an Organic Rankine Cycle

Applied Energy


Leveraging blockchain in response to a pandemic through disaster risk management: an IF-MCDM framework

Operations Management Research


Audits and COVID-19: A paradigm shift in the making


Selecting the most suitable blockchain platform: A case study on the healthcare industry using a novel rough MCDM framework

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Improving sustainability in the tourism industry through blockchain technology: Challenges and opportunities


Tarik Dogru
Tarik Dogru

H-Index: 18

Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Transformational transparency in supply chains: Leveraging technology to drive radical change

California management review


Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Pavel Castka
Pavel Castka

H-Index: 24

Social sustainability indicators: A comprehensive review with application in the energy sector


Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Modern slavery in global supply chains: The impact of COVID-19

California Management Review Insights


Alleviating the impact of the barriers to circular economy adoption through blockchain: An investigation using an integrated MCDM-based QFD with hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets

Computers & Industrial Engineering


Iskender Peker
Iskender Peker

H-Index: 9

Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Exploring the role of industry 4.0 in enhancing supplier audit authenticity, efficacy, and cost effectiveness

Journal of cleaner production


Manufacturing value chain for battery electric vehicles in Pakistan: An assessment of capabilities and transition pathways

Journal of cleaner production


Work environment in the context of corporate social responsibility reporting: Developing common terms for consistent reporting in organizations

Journal of Cleaner Production


Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Towards a circular economy: Investigating the critical success factors for a blockchain-based solar photovoltaic energy ecosystem in Turkey

Energy for Sustainable Development


Iskender Peker
Iskender Peker

H-Index: 9

Cory Searcy
Cory Searcy

H-Index: 39

Paymasters and assurance providers: exploring firms’ discretion in selecting non-financial auditors

Journal of Business Ethics


See List of Professors in Cory Searcy University(Ryerson University)

