Connie Musolino

Connie Musolino

Flinders University

H-index: 10


About Connie Musolino

Connie Musolino, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Flinders University, specializes in the field of Social determinants of health, health equity, gender and health, disordered eating, qualitative research.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Improving Population Health and Health Equity: The Potential of Transitioning Public Open Spaces to Optimise the Production of Urban Ecological Services in Adelaide, South …

Modifying my self: A qualitative study exploring agency, structure and identity for women seeking publicly funded plastic surgery in Australia

The management of cognitive labour in same-gender couples

Through the wine glass: how biographical midlife transitions and women's affective interpretations interact with alcohol consumption

Illustrating the impact of commercial determinants of health on the global COVID-19 pandemic: Thematic analysis of 16 country case studies

Will neighbourhood liveability be promoted by new housing related planning policy in Adelaide, South Australia?

Liveability transitioning: results of a pilot study of walking, accessibility, and social connection strengths weaknesses in established suburbs in Adelaide

Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces

Connie Musolino Information



Research Fellow Southgate Institute



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Connie Musolino Skills & Research Interests

Social determinants of health

health equity

gender and health

disordered eating

qualitative research

Top articles of Connie Musolino

Improving Population Health and Health Equity: The Potential of Transitioning Public Open Spaces to Optimise the Production of Urban Ecological Services in Adelaide, South …

Urban Policy and Research


Modifying my self: A qualitative study exploring agency, structure and identity for women seeking publicly funded plastic surgery in Australia

Journal of Sociology


The management of cognitive labour in same-gender couples

Plos one


Connie Musolino
Connie Musolino

H-Index: 4

Paul R Ward
Paul R Ward

H-Index: 34

Through the wine glass: how biographical midlife transitions and women's affective interpretations interact with alcohol consumption

International Journal of Drug Policy


Illustrating the impact of commercial determinants of health on the global COVID-19 pandemic: Thematic analysis of 16 country case studies


Will neighbourhood liveability be promoted by new housing related planning policy in Adelaide, South Australia?

Journal of housing and the built environment


Liveability transitioning: results of a pilot study of walking, accessibility, and social connection strengths weaknesses in established suburbs in Adelaide

Cities & Health


Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces

Health promotion international


Advancing Indigenous self-determination and health equity: lessons from a failed Australian public policy

SSM-Qualitative Research in Health


Explaining health inequalities in Australia: the contribution of income, wealth and employment

Australian Journal of Primary Health


Gender equality and the global gender gap in life expectancy: an exploratory analysis of 152 countries

International Journal of Health Policy and Management


Can the world become a place where the planet and all people flourish after the pandemic?



The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities

Med J Aust


Conducting a rapid health promotion audit in suburban Adelaide, South Australia: Can it contribute to revitalising health promotion?

Health Promotion Journal of Australia


Why are Indigenous affairs policies framed in ways that undermine Indigenous health and equity? Examining Australia’s Northern Territory Emergency Response

The International Indigenous Policy Journal


New perspective on why women live longer than men: An exploration of power, gender, social determinants, and capitals

International journal of environmental research and public health


Fran Baum
Fran Baum

H-Index: 33

Connie Musolino
Connie Musolino

H-Index: 4

The feasibility of transitioning low-density suburbs into healthy walkable neighbourhoods: the case of Adelaide, South Australia

Urban policy and research


Why do some countries do better or worse in life expectancy relative to income? An analysis of Brazil, Ethiopia, and the United States of America


How do advisory groups contribute to healthy public policy research?

International Journal of Public Health


See List of Professors in Connie Musolino University(Flinders University)