Chuansheng Wang

About Chuansheng Wang

Chuansheng Wang, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National University of Singapore, specializes in the field of Waste-Water-Energy Nexus, Biological Wastewater Treatment, Vibrating Membrane Technology, Membrane Bioreactor, Membrane Fouling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Acclimatizing waste activated sludge in a thermophilic anaerobic fixed-bed biofilm reactor to maximize biogas production for food waste treatment at high organic loading rates

Insights into the rapid granulation for treating refractory wastewater under salt stress: Variation of sludge property, treatment performance and microbial community

Mechanistic insights into simultaneous reversible and irreversible membrane fouling control in a vibrating anaerobic membrane bioreactor for sustainable municipal wastewater …

Enhanced nutrient removal and bioenergy production in microalgal photobioreactor following anaerobic membrane bioreactor for decarbonized wastewater treatment

Enhanced dissolved methane recovery and energy-efficient fouling mitigation via membrane vibration in anaerobic membrane bioreactor

Vibrating MBR with Settling Zone for High-Flux Domestic Wastewater Treatment: Enhanced Nitrogen Removal and Fouling Mitigation

Decarbonization potentials in intensified water and wastewater systems using membrane-related technologies

Effect of surface-patterned topographies of ceramic membranes on the filtration of activated sludge and their interaction with different particle sizes

Chuansheng Wang Information



PhD Candidate



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Chuansheng Wang Skills & Research Interests

Waste-Water-Energy Nexus

Biological Wastewater Treatment

Vibrating Membrane Technology

Membrane Bioreactor

Membrane Fouling

Top articles of Chuansheng Wang

Acclimatizing waste activated sludge in a thermophilic anaerobic fixed-bed biofilm reactor to maximize biogas production for food waste treatment at high organic loading rates

Water Research


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Insights into the rapid granulation for treating refractory wastewater under salt stress: Variation of sludge property, treatment performance and microbial community

Journal of Water Process Engineering


Mechanistic insights into simultaneous reversible and irreversible membrane fouling control in a vibrating anaerobic membrane bioreactor for sustainable municipal wastewater …

Chemical Engineering Journal


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Enhanced nutrient removal and bioenergy production in microalgal photobioreactor following anaerobic membrane bioreactor for decarbonized wastewater treatment

Bioresource Technology


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Enhanced dissolved methane recovery and energy-efficient fouling mitigation via membrane vibration in anaerobic membrane bioreactor

Resources, Conservation and Recycling


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Vibrating MBR with Settling Zone for High-Flux Domestic Wastewater Treatment: Enhanced Nitrogen Removal and Fouling Mitigation

ACS ES&T Water


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Decarbonization potentials in intensified water and wastewater systems using membrane-related technologies

Pathways to Water Sector Decarbonization, Carbon Capture and Utilization


Effect of surface-patterned topographies of ceramic membranes on the filtration of activated sludge and their interaction with different particle sizes

Journal of Membrane Science


Insights on Fouling Development and Characteristics during Different Fouling Stages between a Novel Vibrating MBR and an Air-sparging MBR for Domestic Wastewater Treatment

Water Research


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Comparison between novel vibrating ceramic MBR and conventional air-sparging MBR for domestic wastewater treatment: Performance, fouling control and energy consumption

Water Research


Chuansheng Wang
Chuansheng Wang

H-Index: 1

How Yong Ng
How Yong Ng

H-Index: 41

Estimating nitrogen fates and gross transformations in bioretention systems with applications of 15N labeling methods



Fundamentals of aerobic membrane bioreactors


See List of Professors in Chuansheng Wang University(National University of Singapore)