Christina Salmivalli

About Christina Salmivalli

Christina Salmivalli, With an exceptional h-index of 92 and a recent h-index of 69 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Turun yliopisto,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Admitting to bullying others or denying it: Differences in children’s psychosocial adjustment and implications for intervention

Improving the implementation of KiVa antibullying program with tailored support: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

Early Maladaptive Schemas and Their Associations with Perceived Parental Bonding among Adolescents Entering Specialized Health Care

Which Victimized Youth Will be Defended by Peers?

Is there really a healthy context paradox for victims of bullying? A longitudinal test of bidirectional within-and between-person associations between victimization and …

Focus on targeted interventions addressing bullying: what explains their success or failure?

Adapting an anti‐bullying programme for UK special schools

The longitudinal role of classroom defending norms in victims’ psychological adjustment, causal attributions, and social comparisons.

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Top articles of Christina Salmivalli

Admitting to bullying others or denying it: Differences in children’s psychosocial adjustment and implications for intervention

International Journal of Behavioral Development


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Improving the implementation of KiVa antibullying program with tailored support: Study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial

Contemporary Clinical Trials


Takuya Yanagida
Takuya Yanagida

H-Index: 13

Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Early Maladaptive Schemas and Their Associations with Perceived Parental Bonding among Adolescents Entering Specialized Health Care

International Journal of Cognitive Therapy


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Which Victimized Youth Will be Defended by Peers?


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Is there really a healthy context paradox for victims of bullying? A longitudinal test of bidirectional within-and between-person associations between victimization and …

Development and psychopathology


Focus on targeted interventions addressing bullying: what explains their success or failure?

European Journal of Developmental Psychology


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Adapting an anti‐bullying programme for UK special schools

Support for Learning


Lucy Bowes
Lucy Bowes

H-Index: 27

Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

The longitudinal role of classroom defending norms in victims’ psychological adjustment, causal attributions, and social comparisons.

Developmental Psychology


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Do adolescence peer victimization experiences hamper healthy relationships in young adulthood?

European Journal of Developmental Psychology


Jaana Juvonen
Jaana Juvonen

H-Index: 42

Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Does defending affect adolescents' peer status, or vice versa? Testing the moderating effects of empathy, gender, and anti‐bullying norms

Journal of research on adolescence


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Bullying interrupted: victimized students in remote schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic

International journal of bullying prevention


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Early maladaptive schemas are associated with self-injury thoughts and behavior in adolescents

BMC psychiatry


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Effects of the KiVa anti-bullying program on defending behavior: Investigating individual-level mechanisms of change

Journal of school psychology


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Adolescent victimization predicts adult depression and aggression: The role of rumination.

Developmental psychology


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Transition to emerging adulthood during the COVID-19 pandemic: Changes in anxiety and the role of inclusion/exclusion experiences

European Journal of Developmental Psychology


Takuya Yanagida
Takuya Yanagida

H-Index: 13

Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Rumination in Adulthood About Past Victimization


Sarah Malamut
Sarah Malamut

H-Index: 5

Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Interventions that failed: Factors associated with the continuation of bullying after a targeted intervention

International Journal of Bullying Prevention


Eerika Johander
Eerika Johander

H-Index: 1

Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Does defending victimized peers put youth at risk of being victimized?

Child development


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

The dynamic associations between social dominance goals and bullying from middle to late childhood: The moderating role of classroom bystander behaviors.

Journal of Educational Psychology


Bidirectional associations of prosocial behavior with peer acceptance and rejection in adolescence

Journal of Youth and Adolescence


Christina Salmivalli
Christina Salmivalli

H-Index: 65

Christian Berger
Christian Berger

H-Index: 19

See List of Professors in Christina Salmivalli University(Turun yliopisto)