Christian Peake

About Christian Peake

Christian Peake, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Diego Portales, specializes in the field of Numerical Cognition, Developmental Dyscalculia, Learning Disabilities, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Kindergarten children’s math anxiety and its relationship with mathematical performance (Ansiedad matemática en niños y niñas de kínder y su relación con el rendimiento matemático)

Evaluation and development of the intuitive approach for understanding probabilities: Scopes produced by high school students

Development of early numerical ability: contributions from cognitive psychology to initial mathematics education

Desarrollo de la habilidad numérica inicial: aportes desde la psicología cognitiva a la educación matemática inicial

Evaluación y desarrollo del enfoque intuitivo a la comprensión de probabilidades: alcances producidos por estudiantes de secundaria

Bidirectional relation of non-symbolic and symbolic numerical systems in first year of kindergarten: the mediating role of ordinality during number learning

First fixation duration as a bottom-up measure during symbolic and non-symbolic numerical comparisons (La duración de la primera fijación como medida bottom-up al comparar …

Research on numerical cognition in Chile: current status, links to education and challenges (Investigación en cognición numérica en Chile: estado actual, vínculos con la …

Christian Peake Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Christian Peake Skills & Research Interests

Numerical Cognition

Developmental Dyscalculia

Learning Disabilities

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience


Top articles of Christian Peake

Kindergarten children’s math anxiety and its relationship with mathematical performance (Ansiedad matemática en niños y niñas de kínder y su relación con el rendimiento matemático)

Studies in Psychology


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Evaluation and development of the intuitive approach for understanding probabilities: Scopes produced by high school students

Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Development of early numerical ability: contributions from cognitive psychology to initial mathematics education


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Desarrollo de la habilidad numérica inicial: aportes desde la psicología cognitiva a la educación matemática inicial

Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Evaluación y desarrollo del enfoque intuitivo a la comprensión de probabilidades: alcances producidos por estudiantes de secundaria

Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Bidirectional relation of non-symbolic and symbolic numerical systems in first year of kindergarten: the mediating role of ordinality during number learning


First fixation duration as a bottom-up measure during symbolic and non-symbolic numerical comparisons (La duración de la primera fijación como medida bottom-up al comparar …

Studies in Psychology


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Ernesto Guerra
Ernesto Guerra

H-Index: 6

Research on numerical cognition in Chile: current status, links to education and challenges (Investigación en cognición numérica en Chile: estado actual, vínculos con la …


Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Differences and associations in symbolic and non-symbolic early numeracy competencies of Chilean kinder grade children, considering socioeconomic status of schools

Early Education and Development


Cristina Rodriguez
Cristina Rodriguez

H-Index: 9

Christian Peake
Christian Peake

H-Index: 4

Number processing skill trajectories in children with specific language impairment



See List of Professors in Christian Peake University(Universidad Diego Portales)

