Christian Ochsenfeld

About Christian Ochsenfeld

Christian Ochsenfeld, With an exceptional h-index of 66 and a recent h-index of 37 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Efficient Exploitation of Numerical Quadrature with Distance-Dependent Integral Screening in Explicitly Correlated F12 Theory: Linear Scaling Evaluation of the Most Expensive …

Systematic QM/MM Study for Predicting 31P NMR Chemical Shifts of Adenosine Nucleotides in Solution and Stages of ATP Hydrolysis in a Protein Environment

Exploring Chemical Space Using Ab Initio Hyperreactor Dynamics

QM/MM Free Energy Calculations of Long-Range Biological Protonation Dynamics by Adaptive and Focused Sampling

Improved Sampling of Adaptive Path Collective Variables by Stabilized Extended-System Dynamics

Highly accurate σ-and τ-functionals for beyond-RPA methods with approximate exchange kernels

Analytical second-order properties for the random phase approximation: Nuclear magnetic resonance shieldings

Postsynthetic transformation of imine-into nitrone-linked covalent organic frameworks for atmospheric water harvesting at decreased humidity

Christian Ochsenfeld Information



Chair of Theoretical Chemistry (LMU)



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of Christian Ochsenfeld

Efficient Exploitation of Numerical Quadrature with Distance-Dependent Integral Screening in Explicitly Correlated F12 Theory: Linear Scaling Evaluation of the Most Expensive …

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Systematic QM/MM Study for Predicting 31P NMR Chemical Shifts of Adenosine Nucleotides in Solution and Stages of ATP Hydrolysis in a Protein Environment

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Exploring Chemical Space Using Ab Initio Hyperreactor Dynamics

ACS Central Science


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

QM/MM Free Energy Calculations of Long-Range Biological Protonation Dynamics by Adaptive and Focused Sampling



Joerg Kussmann
Joerg Kussmann

H-Index: 17

Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Improved Sampling of Adaptive Path Collective Variables by Stabilized Extended-System Dynamics

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Highly accurate σ-and τ-functionals for beyond-RPA methods with approximate exchange kernels

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Analytical second-order properties for the random phase approximation: Nuclear magnetic resonance shieldings

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Postsynthetic transformation of imine-into nitrone-linked covalent organic frameworks for atmospheric water harvesting at decreased humidity

Journal of the American Chemical Society


Fabian Heck
Fabian Heck

H-Index: 10

Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

An assessment of orbital energy corrections for the direct random phase approximation and explicit σ-functionals

Molecular Physics


Daniel Graf
Daniel Graf

H-Index: 3

Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Scaled opposite-spin atomic-orbital based algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme for the polarization propagator with asymptotic linear-scaling effort: Theory and …

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Daniel Graf
Daniel Graf

H-Index: 3

Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Charging and Electric Field Effects on Hydrogen Molecules Physisorbed on Graphene

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

RNA Oligomerisation without Added Catalyst from 2′, 3′‐Cyclic Nucleotides by Drying at Air‐Water Interfaces



An effective sub-quadratic scaling atomic-orbital reformulation of the scaled opposite-spin RI-CC2 ground-state model using Cholesky-decomposed densities and an attenuated …

The Journal of Chemical Physics


From free-energy profiles to activation free energies

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Tensor-Hypercontracted MP2 First Derivatives: Runtime and Memory Efficient Computation of Hyperfine Coupling Constants

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Statistically optimal analysis of the extended-system adaptive biasing force (eABF) method

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Highly Efficient and Accurate Computation of Multiple Orbital Spaces Spanning Fock Matrix Elements on Central and Graphics Processing Units for Application in F12 Theory

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

Efficient integral-direct methods for self-consistent reduced density matrix functional theory calculations on central and graphics processing units

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation


RNA polymerisation without catalyst from 2’, 3’-cyclic nucleotides by drying at air-water interfaces


How to obtain reaction free energies from free-energy profiles

The Journal of Chemical Physics


Christian Ochsenfeld
Christian Ochsenfeld

H-Index: 34

See List of Professors in Christian Ochsenfeld University(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)