Christian Mertens

About Christian Mertens

Christian Mertens, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Bremen, specializes in the field of Physical Oceanography.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Hydrogen-based microbial life in Arctic hydrothermal vent plumes of the Gakkel Ridge

Meridional Connectivity of a 25‐Year Observational AMOC Record at 47° N

A year of transient tracers chlorofluorocarbon 12 and sulfur hexafluoride, noble gases helium and neon, and tritium in the Arctic Ocean from the MOSAiC expedition (2019–2020)

Evaluating the Global Internal Wave Model IDEMIX with observations of both stratification and horizontal velocity

Volcanically hosted venting with indications of ultramafic influence at Aurora hydrothermal field on Gakkel Ridge

Upper ocean mixing from shear microstructure and density inversions nearthe Walvis Ridge

Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Physical oceanography

Climate-relevant ocean transport measurements in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans

Christian Mertens Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Christian Mertens Skills & Research Interests

Physical Oceanography

Top articles of Christian Mertens

Hydrogen-based microbial life in Arctic hydrothermal vent plumes of the Gakkel Ridge


Meridional Connectivity of a 25‐Year Observational AMOC Record at 47° N

Geophysical Research Letters


Monika Rhein
Monika Rhein

H-Index: 26

Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

A year of transient tracers chlorofluorocarbon 12 and sulfur hexafluoride, noble gases helium and neon, and tritium in the Arctic Ocean from the MOSAiC expedition (2019–2020)

Earth System Science Data


Evaluating the Global Internal Wave Model IDEMIX with observations of both stratification and horizontal velocity

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

Volcanically hosted venting with indications of ultramafic influence at Aurora hydrothermal field on Gakkel Ridge

Nature Communications


Upper ocean mixing from shear microstructure and density inversions nearthe Walvis Ridge

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

Maren Walter
Maren Walter

H-Index: 8

Climate-relevant ocean transport measurements in the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans

Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards, Supplement to Oceanograph


East Greenland’s rising impact on the marine silicon cycle constrained by silicon isotopes

Goldschmidt2022 abstracts


Time Series of Near‐Inertial Gravity Wave Energy Fluxes: The Effect of a Strong Wind Event

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Inference of Submarine Meltwater in the Boundary Current System around Greenland in 2015-2019

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

Monika Rhein
Monika Rhein

H-Index: 26

Trends and transport variability of the circulation in the subpolar eastern North Atlantic

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


Monika Rhein
Monika Rhein

H-Index: 26

Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

Mooring Rescue Cruise No. SO283


Estimates of wind power and radiative near-inertial internal wave flux: The hybrid slab model and its application to the North Atlantic

Ocean dynamics


Maren Walter
Maren Walter

H-Index: 8

Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

Towards quantification of the subpolar North Atlantic circulation

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Monika Rhein
Monika Rhein

H-Index: 26

Christian Mertens
Christian Mertens

H-Index: 12

Coupling between atmosphere, mixed layer, and pycnocline in a changing Arctic: First results from tracer observations during MOSAiC.

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Observations of the low‐mode internal tide and its interaction with mesoscale flow south of the Azores

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


See List of Professors in Christian Mertens University(Universität Bremen)