Christian Haag Kristensen

About Christian Haag Kristensen

Christian Haag Kristensen, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, specializes in the field of Trauma, Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático, Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental, Neuropsicologia.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Improving access to evidence‐based interventions for trauma‐exposed adults in low‐and middle‐income countries

“I Have No Words”: A Qualitative Study About the Traumatic Experience of Violent Death

The best of two worlds: Combining the DSM-5 and ICD-11 clusters of symptoms for posttraumatic stress disorder in a single screening scale

Prevalence and factors associated with Posttrauatic Stress Disorder and Prolonged Grief Disorder symptoms after a Covid-19 death in Brazil

The Traumatic Grief Inventory Self-Report (TGI-SR) as a Clinical Measure to Identify Brazilians with Prolonged Grief Disorder and Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder

Técnicas de avaliação em casos de suspeita de transtornos especificamente associados ao estresse

Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Global Psychotrauma Screen: Preliminary Findings of a Transdiagnostic Screening Measure

Habituating to pandemic anxiety: Temporal trends of COVID-19 anxiety over sixteen months of COVID-19

Christian Haag Kristensen Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Christian Haag Kristensen Skills & Research Interests


Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático

Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental


Top articles of Christian Haag Kristensen

Improving access to evidence‐based interventions for trauma‐exposed adults in low‐and middle‐income countries


Debra Kaminer
Debra Kaminer

H-Index: 24

Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Srishti Sardana
Srishti Sardana

H-Index: 1

“I Have No Words”: A Qualitative Study About the Traumatic Experience of Violent Death

OMEGA-Journal of death and dying


Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

The best of two worlds: Combining the DSM-5 and ICD-11 clusters of symptoms for posttraumatic stress disorder in a single screening scale

Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry


Prevalence and factors associated with Posttrauatic Stress Disorder and Prolonged Grief Disorder symptoms after a Covid-19 death in Brazil


Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

The Traumatic Grief Inventory Self-Report (TGI-SR) as a Clinical Measure to Identify Brazilians with Prolonged Grief Disorder and Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder


Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Técnicas de avaliação em casos de suspeita de transtornos especificamente associados ao estresse


Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Global Psychotrauma Screen: Preliminary Findings of a Transdiagnostic Screening Measure

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria


Habituating to pandemic anxiety: Temporal trends of COVID-19 anxiety over sixteen months of COVID-19

Journal of Affective Disorders


Internet-based psychological intervention for Prolonged Grief Disorder: a pilot study protocol in Brazil


Luis Eduardo Wearick-Silva
Luis Eduardo Wearick-Silva

H-Index: 12

Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

A systematic review and meta-analysis of epigenetic clocks in schizophrenia


Rodrigo Orso
Rodrigo Orso

H-Index: 7

Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Thiago Wendt Viola
Thiago Wendt Viola

H-Index: 19

The effects of exposure to factors related to death in mental health

Journal of Loss and Trauma


Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Migration experience and mental health: A qualitative study in France and Brazil

International Journal of Social Psychiatry


Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Daniel Derivois
Daniel Derivois

H-Index: 14

Posttraumatic growth and migrations: A transcultural study in France and Brazil

Journal of Loss and Trauma


Perfil das equipes de assistência estudantil nas universidades federais do Brasil no atendimento à saúde mental dos estudantes

Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)


Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

The posttraumatic stress disorder factorial structure: findings from a multicultural sample

Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma


A behavioral economic risk aversion experiment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Plos one


Thiago Wendt Viola
Thiago Wendt Viola

H-Index: 19

Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Mental health responses to COVID-19 around the world

European Journal of Psychotraumatology


Adaptação transcultural: Knowledge of Attention Deficit Disorders (KADDS) para o português do Brasil

International Journal of Development Research


Marcos Antônio Shreder Da Silva
Marcos Antônio Shreder Da Silva

H-Index: 22

Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Protocolos de Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental culturalmente adaptados para tratamento de Tept: uma revisão sistemática da literatura


Marcelo Montagner Rigoli
Marcelo Montagner Rigoli

H-Index: 4

Christian Haag Kristensen
Christian Haag Kristensen

H-Index: 20

Training mental health professionals to provide support in brief telepsychotherapy and telepsychiatry for health workers in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

Journal of Psychiatric Research


See List of Professors in Christian Haag Kristensen University(Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul)

