Chris Soulsby

Chris Soulsby

University of Aberdeen

H-index: 86

Europe-United Kingdom

About Chris Soulsby

Chris Soulsby, With an exceptional h-index of 86 and a recent h-index of 50 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Aberdeen, specializes in the field of hydrology, water resources.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Coupled water-carbon modelling at data-limited sites: a new approach to explore current and future agroforestry scenarios in Scotland

Characterizing changing stream flow components and hydroclimate interactions in cities–implications for future management and restoration of urban ecosystems

Hydrological connectivity dynamics in a mixed land use lowland catchment drive intra-and inter-annual variation in water quality in an intermittent stream network under drought …

Controls on hydrological connectivity in the Lower Oder river and its floodplain

Integrated monitoring and isotope-aided modelling to assess ecohydrological fluxes and storage dynamics in a drought sensitive lowland catchment, Germany

Revisiting the common approaches for hydrological model calibration with high-dimensional parameters and objectives

Water management is a success story, how water quality changed based on historical development and mid-term hydroclimate.

A deep learning approach for spatio-temporal prediction of stable water isotopes in soil moisture

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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Chris Soulsby Skills & Research Interests


water resources

Top articles of Chris Soulsby

Coupled water-carbon modelling at data-limited sites: a new approach to explore current and future agroforestry scenarios in Scotland


Characterizing changing stream flow components and hydroclimate interactions in cities–implications for future management and restoration of urban ecosystems


Maria Magdalena Warter
Maria Magdalena Warter

H-Index: 0

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Hydrological connectivity dynamics in a mixed land use lowland catchment drive intra-and inter-annual variation in water quality in an intermittent stream network under drought …


Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Controls on hydrological connectivity in the Lower Oder river and its floodplain


Akpona Okujeni
Akpona Okujeni

H-Index: 15

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Integrated monitoring and isotope-aided modelling to assess ecohydrological fluxes and storage dynamics in a drought sensitive lowland catchment, Germany


Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith

H-Index: 15

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Revisiting the common approaches for hydrological model calibration with high-dimensional parameters and objectives


Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Water management is a success story, how water quality changed based on historical development and mid-term hydroclimate.


Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

A deep learning approach for spatio-temporal prediction of stable water isotopes in soil moisture


Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Importance of measured transpiration fluxes for modelled ecohydrological partitioning in a tropical agroforestry system

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Environmental DNA, hydrochemistry and stable water isotopes as integrative tracers of urban ecohydrology

Water research


Maria Magdalena Warter
Maria Magdalena Warter

H-Index: 0

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Developing a conceptual model of groundwater–Surface water interactions in a drought sensitive lowland catchment using multi-proxy data

Journal of Hydrology


The ecohydrology of rewilding: a pressing need for evidence in the restoration of upland Atlantic salmon streams.


Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

J Webb
J Webb

H-Index: 22

Hydroclimatic non-stationarity drives stream hydrochemistry dynamics through controls on catchment connectivity and water ages

Journal of Hydrology


Assessing impacts of alternative land use strategies on water partitioning, storage and ages in drought‐sensitive lowland catchments using tracer‐aided ecohydrological modelling

Hydrological Processes


Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith

H-Index: 15

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Assessing the impact of drought on water cycling in urban trees via in-situ isotopic monitoring of plant xylem water

Journal of Hydrology


Quantifying intra‐and inter‐annual dynamics of river‐floodplain connectivity and wetland inundation with remote sensing and wavelet analysis

Hydrological Processes


Akpona Okujeni
Akpona Okujeni

H-Index: 15

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Testing drought sensitivity of different land use types via a low parameter isotope-aided ecohydrological model approach in a lowland headwater catchment, Germany


Enhancing urban runoff modelling using water stable isotopes and ages in complex catchments

Hydrological Processes


Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith

H-Index: 15

Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Controls on the spatial and temporal extent of flood water inundation in the wetlands of the Lower Oder floodplain


Chris Soulsby
Chris Soulsby

H-Index: 51

Assessing land use effects on ecohydrological partitioning in the critical zone through isotope‐aided modelling

Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


See List of Professors in Chris Soulsby University(University of Aberdeen)