Chongyang CHEN

About Chongyang CHEN

Chongyang CHEN, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Soochow University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Preventing relapse to information technology addiction through weakening reinforcement: A self-regulation perspective

A dual-identity perspective of obsessive online social gaming

Decreasing the problematic use of an information system: An empirical investigation of smartphone game players

Antecedents and consequences of excessive online social gaming: a social learning perspective

Transition from web to mobile payment services: The triple effects of status quo inertia

What drives trust transfer from web to mobile payment services? The dual effects of perceived entitativity

What drives problematic online gaming? The role of IT identity, maladaptive cognitions, and maladaptive emotions

Cross-side network effects, brand equity, and consumer loyalty: Evidence from mobile payment market

Chongyang CHEN Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Top articles of Chongyang CHEN

Preventing relapse to information technology addiction through weakening reinforcement: A self-regulation perspective

Information & Management


Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

A dual-identity perspective of obsessive online social gaming

Journal of the Association for Information Systems


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

Decreasing the problematic use of an information system: An empirical investigation of smartphone game players

Information Systems Journal


Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Antecedents and consequences of excessive online social gaming: a social learning perspective

Information technology & people


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

Transition from web to mobile payment services: The triple effects of status quo inertia

International Journal of Information Management


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

What drives trust transfer from web to mobile payment services? The dual effects of perceived entitativity

Information & Management


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

What drives problematic online gaming? The role of IT identity, maladaptive cognitions, and maladaptive emotions

Computers in Human Behavior


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

Cross-side network effects, brand equity, and consumer loyalty: Evidence from mobile payment market

International Journal of Electronic Commerce


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

What drives self-disclosure in mobile payment applications? The effect of privacy assurance approaches, network externality, and technology complementarity

Information Technology & People


Xiang Gong
Xiang Gong

H-Index: 7

Chongyang Chen
Chongyang Chen

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Chongyang CHEN University(Soochow University)