Chiara Valentini

About Chiara Valentini

Chiara Valentini, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Dresden, specializes in the field of Radiation Oncology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Cancer mortality after kidney transplantation: A multicenter cohort study in Italy

Prognostic biomarkers for the response to the radiosensitizer nimorazole combined with RCTx: a pre-clinical trial in HNSCC xenografts

Normo-or Hypo-Fractionated Photon or Proton Radiotherapy in the Management of Locally Advanced Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review

Preclinical trial comparing radiotherapy alone versus standard radiochemotherapy in three human papilloma virus (HPV) negative and three HPV-positive head and neck squamous …

Carsten Friedrich1, Svenja Boekhoff1, Martin Bischoff2, Julia Beckhaus1, Panjarat Sowithayasakul1, 3, Gabriele Calaminus4, Maria Eveslage5, Chiara Valentini6, Brigitte Bison7 …

Outcome after proton beam therapy versus photon-based radiation therapy in childhood-onset craniopharyngioma patients—results of KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2007

Reduction of intrafraction pancreas motion using an abdominal corset compatible with proton therapy and MRI

Impact of blood parameters and normal tissue dose on treatment outcome in esophageal cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy

Chiara Valentini Information



PhD student Oncoray



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Chiara Valentini Skills & Research Interests

Radiation Oncology

Top articles of Chiara Valentini

Prognostic biomarkers for the response to the radiosensitizer nimorazole combined with RCTx: a pre-clinical trial in HNSCC xenografts

Journal of Translational Medicine


Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Daniel Zips
Daniel Zips

H-Index: 33

Normo-or Hypo-Fractionated Photon or Proton Radiotherapy in the Management of Locally Advanced Unresectable Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review


Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Preclinical trial comparing radiotherapy alone versus standard radiochemotherapy in three human papilloma virus (HPV) negative and three HPV-positive head and neck squamous …

Radiotherapy and Oncology


Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Carsten Friedrich1, Svenja Boekhoff1, Martin Bischoff2, Julia Beckhaus1, Panjarat Sowithayasakul1, 3, Gabriele Calaminus4, Maria Eveslage5, Chiara Valentini6, Brigitte Bison7 …


Outcome after proton beam therapy versus photon-based radiation therapy in childhood-onset craniopharyngioma patients—results of KRANIOPHARYNGEOM 2007

Frontiers in Oncology


Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Reduction of intrafraction pancreas motion using an abdominal corset compatible with proton therapy and MRI

Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology


Julia Thiele
Julia Thiele

H-Index: 3

Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Impact of blood parameters and normal tissue dose on treatment outcome in esophageal cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy



Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

PO-1304 Impact of blood parameters and normal tissue dose on overall survival in esophageal cancer patients

Radiotherapy and Oncology


BRIDGE− 1 TRIAL: BReak Interval Delayed surgery for Gastrointestinal Extraperitoneal rectal cancer, a multicentric phase III randomized trial

Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology


PO-1532 The elephant in the room: teaching OAR delineation in a FALCON workshop in the autosegmentation era

Radiotherapy and Oncology


PD-0834 Radiotherapy versus radiochemotherapy in HPV positive and negative HNSCC xenograft models

Radiotherapy and Oncology


Identification of patient benefit from proton beam therapy in brain tumour patients based on dosimetric and NTCP analyses

Radiotherapy and Oncology


Armin Lühr
Armin Lühr

H-Index: 15

Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Modelling of late side-effects following cranial proton beam therapy

Radiotherapy and Oncology


Armin Lühr
Armin Lühr

H-Index: 15

Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

RADIANCE–Radiochemotherapy with or without Durvalumab in the treatment of anal squamous cell carcinoma: A randomized multicenter phase II trial

Clinical and translational radiation oncology


Neurocognitive function and quality of life after proton beam therapy for brain tumour patients

Radiotherapy and Oncology


Chiara Valentini
Chiara Valentini

H-Index: 10

Armin Lühr
Armin Lühr

H-Index: 15

Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology


See List of Professors in Chiara Valentini University(Technische Universität Dresden)